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    篤學獎-Topic 7 -B17449-甘比精讀

    Early Israel and The Surrounding Nations 閱讀時間:2小時 + 2小時 day 23: 相關背景: Pe...

  • 精讀班 Day 28

    28天過的飛快瘤运。 開班的那天也是大三下學期開學的第一天泽本。滿懷信心地報了精讀班移剪,想要和大家一起提升閱讀水平枫甲。28天來沪蓬,有很多天都會因為學校作業(yè)太多...

  • 精讀班 day 26

    At first sight, this article looks so difficult that I was a little scar...

  • 精讀班 day 25

    任務二: the existence of Amraphelprivious: only mentioned in BibleWe now kn...

  • 精讀班 Day 23

    Early Israel and The Surrounding Nations 閱讀時間:2小時 + 2小時 相關背景: Pericles(P...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    篤學獎-Topic 6 -B17449-甘比精讀

    Classical Music 詞匯揭芍、表達積累: day 20: 1.ring out When a sound rings out, it i...

  • 精讀班 Day 20

    1.ring outWhen a sound rings out, it is loud and clear: A cry of warning...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    篤學獎-Topic 4-B17449-甘比精讀

    day 11: A digital revolution in health care is speeding up 閱讀時間: 13分鐘 1....

  • 精讀班 Day 12

    A digital revolution in health care is speeding up 閱讀時間: 13分鐘 1. cardiac...
