240 發(fā)簡信
  • 靠自己

    人成長的過程中颂郎,是逐漸趨于獨立的漆弄,也就意味著最終還得靠自己脚草。 當時讀研究生的時候,進入課題組披坏,想著能有師兄師姐帶帶我态坦,幫著設計實驗之類的。久了才...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Target Day 5

    1. A trouble A day is a miniature of the enternity. Sometimes you have a...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Target Day 4

    In fact, when I begin to write this note, it isn't today but tommorrow. ...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Target Day 3

    Concentrate on doing three things andconsider about my next graduated pl...

  • Target Day 2

    At the beginning, it also shows my achievements in this day and some int...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Target Day 1

    Today, mainly concentrate on a speech named 'How to get better at the th...

  • The right way for my future

    After Labour Day, I stayed with my boyfriend for a long time. During thi...

  • 《傲慢與偏見》中影響婚姻的三個主要因素


  • 班長、團支書做的每一件事敬特,你都認為是理所應當嗎

    從大二下學期到大四結束掰邢,一直是班長。這中間有多少酸甜苦辣伟阔,其實也只有有過相似經(jīng)歷的人才會懂辣之。 班長、團支書身為一個集體中最重要的兩個職位皱炉,通常都...

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