博客地址: https://www.mikoychinese.top/ 1. About: There are some time when y...
博客原文地址: https://www.mikoychinese.top/post/20190921-Remote-machine-runnin...
博客原文地址: https://www.mikoychinese.top/post/20191016-Install-OpenCV-4-on-U...
For Change the ThinkPad Point Speed on Ubuntu16.04: Obtain the info of y...
1. Allow Ubuntu to share desktop: First, [Allow other users to view your...
初閱 | 《剛性泡沫》 ??2017年中,有幸在某書評中看到了朱寧教授的《剛性泡沫》溜腐,隨之便購買了一本。一直放置著搅方,直到近期才開始翻閱本書盟蚣。本著...
Author: Mikoy Date: 2018-08-25 Introduction: ??Recently, I have tried to...
Author: Mikoy Date: 2018-03-16 1. Preparation: Jetpack 3.2Download file ...
Author: Mikoy Date: 2018-02-04 1. The concepts of git: Git: Git is a fas...