He felt glad at what she had said. 他對(duì)她所說(shuō)的話感到高興。 Mike is glad about my co...
He ate every bit of his dinner。他把晚餐吃的精光。 I can never resist an ice cream...
Sorry崩瓤, I didn't get your name。對(duì)不起,我沒聽清楚你的名字匾灶。 Use your knife, man租漂!用一下你的刀子...
What kind of music do you listen to阶女?你聽哪一類的音樂? The total cost will be one...
Hi, Aunt Sally. 嗨哩治,薩莉阿姨 Hello. Peter. 你好秃踩,彼得 How's the weather in Boston? ...
Hello你好Is Alice there?愛麗絲在嗎?No, she isn't.不,她不在业筏。She's at the supermarket...
She put her troubles behind her憔杨。她不再去想她的那些麻煩。 The egg smells蒜胖。這蛋有臭味消别。 She h...
She is into music.她喜歡音樂抛蚤。 I‘m going home.我要回家了 He was still a little angr...
他們想要自己親眼看到。They want to see for themselves 快妖啥,否則你就要來(lái)不及了霉颠。Hurry up or else ...