240 發(fā)簡信
  • Go學(xué)習(xí)記錄

    2020-02-241.Go語言基礎(chǔ) 2020-02-26程序?qū)嶓w那些事1顷窒、2、3

  • Roman to Integer

    [原題鏈接-E] (https://leetcode.com/problems/roman--to-integer/) Example羅馬轉(zhuǎn)數(shù)...

  • Integer to Roman

    [原題鏈接-M] (https://leetcode.com/problems/integer-to-roman/description/) ...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Container With Most Water

    原題鏈接-M Example最多裝水問題 時(shí)間復(fù)雜度: O(N)- 空間復(fù)雜度: O(1)

  • 回文數(shù)

    原題鏈接-E Example回文數(shù)兄一,121 時(shí)間復(fù)雜度: O(1)- 空間復(fù)雜度: O(1)

  • String to Integer (atoi)

    原題鏈接-M ExampleExample 1: Input: "42"Output: 42Example 2: Input: " -42"...

  • Reverse Integer

    原題鏈接-E ExampleExample 1: Input: 123Output: 321Example 2: Input: -123Outp...

  • ZigZag Conversion

    原題鏈接-M ExampleInput: s = "PAYPALISHIRING", numRows = 4Output: "PINALSIGY...

  • Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

    原題鏈接-M ExampleInput: "abcabcbb"Output: 3Explanation: The answer is "abc"...
