Writing about your future 1痹换、Vocabulary:Vocabulary for talking about your...
Talk about your retirement Vocabulary: Adjectives for character and feel...
Discussing your work-life balance Vocabulary: working Sally: Hey.Simon: ...
·Would + V ->討論習慣或者過去重復發(fā)生的事情醋虏;for example:Lucy and I would explore old bu...
文章類型:課堂筆記授課老師:前百度大數據部技術經理桑文鋒 Q:平時做項目時嫂易,如何做決策的?A:1.拍腦袋:通過感覺來決定要不要做常拓,結果可能會對撼玄,...
文章類型:課堂筆記授課老師:百度錢包產品經理降峰 互聯網金融平臺的4類產品能力: 風控:風險控制墩邀,是金融平臺最重要的支撐能力掌猛。 使用風控的場景:...
表達來談論報價和提議:Your preliminary offer was much higher than we expected.(你的初步...
商務詞匯(已翻譯): upgrade:to replace or improve something so it is better quali...
Could you tell me what the salary is? May I ask what my duties will be? ...