240 發(fā)簡信
  • Green is not a funny colour

    The French have a nice-sounding name for it—mal de mer. Our name is less...

  • How was the fishing?

    The best thing about going fishing with his dad, Cam Smith thought, was ...

  • Fishing: for and against

    Fishing is probably the world’s most popular sports. Millions and millio...

  • Champion uncle

    ‘So, this is going to be a seaside holiday, is it?’ Uncle Max asked. He ...

  • Danger! Beware!

    There are many animals (and plants) in the oceans and seas that are pois...

  • A tall tale

    Jodie put her hand up as soon as her teacher asked who had any news. ‘Me...

  • Boat ‘N’ things that float

    There is no way we will ever know what the first ‘boat’ was—or who ‘inve...

  • The speed champion

    What do you think is the fastest animal in the world? A shark? A cheetah...

  • Wings of fire

    Phil and Jill were two parrots. They lived on an island in the middle of...
