Ladies and gentlemen: We will take off immediately. Please fasten your s...
Being proactive means thinking and acting ahead of anticipated events. N...
A Donkey once found a Lion’s skin which the hunters had left out in the ...
An astronomer used to go out at night to observe the stars. One evening,...
Ladies and Gentlemen: We have just landed at Beijing Capital Internation...
Ladies and gentlemen: We will take off immediately. Please fasten your s...
Ideas are scary. They come into this world ugly and messy. Ideas are fri...
Greatness. It’s just something we made up. Somehow we’ve come to believe...
最近因為北京大雨溢陪,所以跑步比較受限漏峰。本周堅持跑步三天障陶,其他的時間轉(zhuǎn)換為健身環(huán)大冒險,4天每日消耗卡路里150大卡匀哄。 但是本周最大的收益是讓妻子開...