240 發(fā)簡信
  • 每日美語2016.02.12

    The most important thing in any relationship is not what you get but wha...

  • 每日美語2016.02.11

    Someday I'll be big enough so can't hit me. And all you are ever gonna b...

  • 每日美語2016.02.10

    Our greatest enemies, the ones we must fight most often, are within. 我們最...

  • The best way


  • 每日美語2016.02.09

    Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested ...

  • 每日美語2016.02.08

    Don't let yesterday take up too much of today. 別讓過去之事占據(jù)今天太多時間缠犀。(Will Rogers)

  • 每日美語2016.02.07

    1. Live out your imagination, not your history. 以你的想象虽缕,而不是你的過去來生活盗棵。(Stephe...

  • 每日美語2016.02.06

    1. Readers are plentiful. Thinkers are rare. 2. Your mind is like this w...

  • 每日美語2016.02.05

    1.The most important quality for an inverstor is temperament, not intell...
