〔2018.11.22周四〕 1.感受:我多么希望自己也是這樣的人熬摹! 2.感受:讀書最大的好處是讓人有了交流的對象符衔,好好享受別人體會不到的滿足...

〔2018.11.22周四〕 1.感受:我多么希望自己也是這樣的人熬摹! 2.感受:讀書最大的好處是讓人有了交流的對象符衔,好好享受別人體會不到的滿足...
雖然你很懶找前,但是你也有自尊心。 你的長相和你的智商很匹配判族。 在我看來躺盛,長得帥和長得美的人都一個樣,而長的丑的人卻各具特色形帮。我是一個非常有特點的人...
If you are torturous to stick to something,why not let it go? You'd bett...
Only when you give up something, can you gain something.Don't be afraid ...
We are often told to speak and act cautiously. Do you know the reason? T...
Everyone will feel painful when we go through hardships. Sometimes,we ev...
You think that you have many friends? You think that you have many books...
Do you have bosom friend? If not,why not make friends with a good book? ...
How do you while away your spare time? When you are at loose ends, you m...