錄音(woman) Thank you. It's great to see so many of you interested in this...

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錄音(woman) Thank you. It's great to see so many of you interested in this...
錄音(woman) Good evening. My name is Pam Jones, and on behalf of the Moder...
錄音(woman) In our lab today, we'll be testing the hypothesis that babied ...
錄音(man) Now that we've all introduced ourselves to the new members, let'...
錄音(woman) Before starting our tour of Monticello, I'd like to give you s...
錄音(man) Welcome to Everglades National Par. The Everglades is a watery p...
錄音(man) Located at the NASA Research Center in Iowa is a 5,000-gallon va...
錄音(woman) I hope you've all finished reading the assigned chapter on ins...
錄音原文Community service is/an important component of education /here at ou...