1.句子主干:車沒有來,我們走回家氧急。 關(guān)鍵詞:半個小時(half an hour)毫深、末班車(the last bus)、只好(have no c...

1.句子主干:車沒有來,我們走回家氧急。 關(guān)鍵詞:半個小時(half an hour)毫深、末班車(the last bus)、只好(have no c...
1.Half an hour had gone by ,but the last bus hadn't come. We had to go h...
1闸迷、Half an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn't come. We had to walk...
一、 1逮走、Half an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn't come. We had to w...
1.句子主干是“我們走回家”今阳,因為車沒有來所以我們只好走回家师溅,可以使用so連接兩個句子盾舌,表示因果。據(jù)句意使用過去完成時妖谴,表過去的過去 譯:Hal...
(1)主干部分:末班車沒來,我們走回家:the last bus has not come ,we went home on foot. 從...
①Half an hour had gone by嗡载,but the last bus didn't come,so we went home o...
(1)主干 因為末班車沒來洼滚,所以我們只好走回家 Half an hour had gone by,but the last bus has n...
1.Half?an?hour?had?gone?by,?but?the?last?bus?had not come.So we?had?to?w...
第一題 1、半個小時是half an hour 時間逝去是 go by 這個句子應(yīng)該寫成過去完成時吧秕,half an hour had gone ...