9篇文章 · 1306字 · 1人關(guān)注
「 有些人能感受到雨 而其他人卻只是被雨淋 」 Some people can feel the rain, while others are ...
最后 ?????? “You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start...
·給時間時間 讓過去過去 讓開始開始 ·喜歡就爭取 得到就珍惜 錯過就忘記 ·我可以等凌晨的月亮 卻懶得等傍晚的太陽 ·總是患得患失 還不如失去...
加油鴨!沖穿仪!沖席爽!沖! 堅持住啊片,你一定會擁有屬于自己的人生??
記得很小的時候聽到過這樣的一個故事: (一定要仔細(xì)看完哦) 一位熱愛打獵的國王拳昌,像往常一樣帶著自己的手下和宰相到森林打獵。過程中卻被獅子咬掉了一...
What Is Self-discipline? 什么是自律 “Self-discipline is the ability to make y...
Let them judge you Let them misunderstand you Let them gossip about you ...
?If you don’t go after what you want in life, you’ll never have it. 如果你不...