1. The only good news is that trend watchers say that being frugal is actually hip these days. If you drink Starbucks instead of McDonald's coffee, you might find yourself getting the same sneer that , just a year ago, was reserved for people who drove Hummers.
(點評: 什么時候星巴克從藍領(lǐng)階級變成了高大上的時尚了?)
2. My investments disappeared faster than a bag of weed at a Cypress Hill concert.
(點評:Cypress hill.Cypress hill是倡導(dǎo)大麻可以激發(fā)創(chuàng)作靈感的新rap樂隊中的重要一員,這支多種族組成的樂隊來自洛杉磯的拉丁移民聚居區(qū)琳拭,同時也是大麻合法化運動的堅定支持者,在他們不少歌如"I Wanna Get High", "Legalize It" 和 "Insane In The Brain"等作品里面闡明他們的立場蔫慧,即在文化意義上大麻可以作為酒精的替代品权薯。)
3. Did you know that Jennifer Lopez got paid $1.2 million to sing “Happy Birthday”at some old billionaire's party ? Or that Justin Timberlake will drop by your party for $200,000 and , if you pay $700,000 more , he'll sing to you ?
你知不知道,珍妮花洛佩茲去給一名億萬富豪老頭的生日派對上給他唱“生日快樂”盟蚣,報酬一百二十萬美元, 而你肯出二十萬阐枣,賈斯汀提姆伯萊克就可以到你的派對來奄抽,如果你再花七十萬,他可以專為你獻唱呢额划。
(點評: 就像大陸土豪婚禮上請央視主持人來主婚如出一轍档泽。)
4. We live in a world where it's conceivable that even Z-listers like Gary Coleman could make a grand for simply showing up at? a party . Fame is a fickle . Pete Rose can't even get twenty bucks for an autograph these days . And remember Anna Nicole Smith's whatever-he-was, Howard K. Stern? His celebrity status rivals that of the guy who used to play the blind girl's husband on Little House on the Prairie.
(點評: 文化含量太豐富疏尿,讀得我都喘不過氣來。)