來日可期 愿你前程似錦
I hope you have a bright future.
當(dāng)你墜入深淵時(shí) 你也前程似錦
When you fall into the abyss, you have a bright future.
生活在陰溝里 依然有仰望星空的權(quán)利
Living in the gutter, you still have the right to look up at the stars.
沒人牽掛的日子里 努力把自己變得優(yōu)秀一點(diǎn)
No one cares about the day, try to become better.
我走得很慢 但我永遠(yuǎn)不會后退 一個(gè)人的努力是加法
I walk very slowly, but I will never fall back. One's effort is addition.
有人辭官歸故里 有人星夜趕科考 前途似海 來日方長
Some quit their posts and return to their hometown, while others rush for the scientific examination all night. The future is like the sea, and there is a long way to go.