
%%%%%%%%%%%% make colormap %%%%%%%%%%%%

colmap1 = cmap('steelblue',10,10,15);

colmap2 = cmap('orange',6,40,20);

colmap3 = rgb('orangered');

colmap4 = cmap('red',8,1,45);

colmap = [colmap1;flipud(colmap2);colmap3;flipud(colmap4)];



% RGB Rgb triple for given CSS color name

%? RGB = RGB('COLORNAME') returns the red-green-blue triple corresponding

%? ? to the color named COLORNAME by the CSS3 proposed standard [1], which

%? ? contains 139 different colors (an rgb triple is a 1x3 vector of

%? ? numbers between 0 and 1). COLORNAME is case insensitive, and for gray

%? ? colors both spellings (gray and grey) are allowed.

%? RGB CHART creates a figure window showing all the available colors with

%? ? their names.


%? ? c = rgb('DarkRed')? ? ? ? ? ? ? gives c = [0.5430 0 0]

%? ? c = rgb('Green')? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? gives c = [0 0.5 0]

%? ? plot(x,y,'color',rgb('orange'))? plots an orange line through x and y

%? ? rgb chart? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? shows all the colors


%? ? The color names of [1] have already been ratified in [2], and

%? ? according to [3] they are accepted by almost all web browsers and are

%? ? used in Microsoft's .net framework. All but four colors agree with

%? ? the X11 colornames, as detailed in [4]. Of these the most important

%? ? clash is green, defined as [0 0.5 0] by CSS and [0 1 0] by X11. The

%? ? definition of green in Matlab matches the X11 definition and gives a

%? ? very light green, called lime by CSS (many users of Matlab have

%? ? discovered this when trying to color graphs with 'g-'). Note that

%? ? cyan and aqua are synonyms as well as magenta and fuchsia.


%? ? This program is public domain and may be distributed freely.

%? ? Author: Kristj醤 J髇asson, Dept. of Computer Science, University of

%? ? Iceland (jonasson@hi.is). June 2009.


%? ? [1] "CSS Color module level 3", W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)

%? ? ? ? working draft 21 July 2008, http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color

%? ? [2] "Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 specification", W3C

%? ? ? ? recommendation 14 January 2003, edited in place 30 April 2009,

%? ? ? ? http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG

%? ? [3] "Web colors", http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors

%? ? [4] "X11 color names" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names

function rgb = rgb(s)

? persistent num name

? if isempty(num) % First time rgb is called

? ? [num,name] = getcolors();

? ? name = lower(name);

? ? num = reshape(hex2dec(num), [], 3);

? ? % Divide most numbers by 256 for "aesthetic" reasons (green=[0 0.5 0])

? ? I = num < 240;? % (interpolate F0--FF linearly from 240/256 to 1.0)

? ? num(I) = num(I)/256;

? ? num(~I) = ((num(~I) - 240)/15 + 15)/16; + 240;

? end

? if strcmpi(s,'chart')

? ? showcolors()

? else

? ? k = find(strcmpi(s, name));

? ? if isempty(k)

? ? ? error(['Unknown color: ' s]);

? ? else

? ? ? rgb = num(k(1), :);

? ? end

? end


function showcolors()

? [num,name] = getcolors();

? grp = {'White', 'Gray', 'Red', 'Pink', 'Orange', 'Yellow', 'Brown'...

? ? , 'Green', 'Blue', 'Purple', 'Grey'};

? J = [1,3,6,8,9,10,11];

? fl = lower(grp);

? nl = lower(name);

? for i=1:length(grp)

? ? n(i) = strmatch(fl{i}, nl, 'exact');

? end

? clf

? p = get(0,'screensize');

? wh = 0.6*p(3:4);

? xy0 = p(1:2)+0.5*p(3:4) - wh/2;

? set(gcf,'position', [xy0 wh]);

? axes('position', [0 0 1 1], 'visible', 'off');

? hold on

? x = 0;

? N = 0;

? for i=1:length(J)-1

? ? N = max(N, n(J(i+1)) - n(J(i)) + (J(i+1) - J(i))*1.3);

? end

? h = 1/N;

? w = 1/(length(J)-1);

? d = w/30;

? for col = 1:length(J)-1;

? ? y = 1 - h;

? ? for i=J(col):J(col+1)-1

? ? ? t = text(x+w/2, y+h/10 , [grp{i} ' colors']);

? ? ? set(t, 'fontw', 'bold', 'vert','bot', 'horiz','cent', 'fontsize',10);

? ? ? y = y - h;

? ? ? for k = n(i):n(i+1)-1

? ? ? ? c = rgb(name{k});

? ? ? ? bright = (c(1)+2*c(2)+c(3))/4;

? ? ? ? if bright < 0.5, txtcolor = 'w'; else txtcolor = 'k'; end

? ? ? ? rectangle('position',[x+d,y,w-2*d,h],'facecolor',c);

? ? ? ? t = text(x+w/2, y+h/2, name{k}, 'color', txtcolor);

? ? ? ? set(t, 'vert', 'mid', 'horiz', 'cent', 'fontsize', 9);

? ? ? ? y = y - h;

? ? ? end

? ? ? y = y - 0.3*h;

? ? end

? ? x = x + w;

? end


function [hex,name] = getcolors()

? css = {

? ? %White colors

? ? 'FF','FF','FF', 'White'

? ? 'FF','FA','FA', 'Snow'

? ? 'F0','FF','F0', 'Honeydew'

? ? 'F5','FF','FA', 'MintCream'

? ? 'F0','FF','FF', 'Azure'

? ? 'F0','F8','FF', 'AliceBlue'

? ? 'F8','F8','FF', 'GhostWhite'

? ? 'F5','F5','F5', 'WhiteSmoke'

? ? 'FF','F5','EE', 'Seashell'

? ? 'F5','F5','DC', 'Beige'

? ? 'FD','F5','E6', 'OldLace'

? ? 'FF','FA','F0', 'FloralWhite'

? ? 'FF','FF','F0', 'Ivory'

? ? 'FA','EB','D7', 'AntiqueWhite'

? ? 'FA','F0','E6', 'Linen'

? ? 'FF','F0','F5', 'LavenderBlush'

? ? 'FF','E4','E1', 'MistyRose'

? ? %Grey colors'

? ? '80','80','80', 'Gray'

? ? 'DC','DC','DC', 'Gainsboro'

? ? 'D3','D3','D3', 'LightGray'

? ? 'C0','C0','C0', 'Silver'

? ? 'A9','A9','A9', 'DarkGray'

? ? '69','69','69', 'DimGray'

? ? '77','88','99', 'LightSlateGray'

? ? '70','80','90', 'SlateGray'

? ? '2F','4F','4F', 'DarkSlateGray'

? ? '00','00','00', 'Black'

? ? %Red colors

? ? 'FF','00','00', 'Red'

? ? 'FF','A0','7A', 'LightSalmon'

? ? 'FA','80','72', 'Salmon'

? ? 'E9','96','7A', 'DarkSalmon'

? ? 'F0','80','80', 'LightCoral'

? ? 'CD','5C','5C', 'IndianRed'

? ? 'DC','14','3C', 'Crimson'

? ? 'B2','22','22', 'FireBrick'

? ? '8B','00','00', 'DarkRed'

? ? %Pink colors

? ? 'FF','C0','CB', 'Pink'

? ? 'FF','B6','C1', 'LightPink'

? ? 'FF','69','B4', 'HotPink'

? ? 'FF','14','93', 'DeepPink'

? ? 'DB','70','93', 'PaleVioletRed'

? ? 'C7','15','85', 'MediumVioletRed'

? ? %Orange colors

? ? 'FF','A5','00', 'Orange'

? ? 'FF','8C','00', 'DarkOrange'

? ? 'FF','7F','50', 'Coral'

? ? 'FF','63','47', 'Tomato'

? ? 'FF','45','00', 'OrangeRed'

? ? %Yellow colors

? ? 'FF','FF','00', 'Yellow'

? ? 'FF','FF','E0', 'LightYellow'

? ? 'FF','FA','CD', 'LemonChiffon'

? ? 'FA','FA','D2', 'LightGoldenrodYellow'

? ? 'FF','EF','D5', 'PapayaWhip'

? ? 'FF','E4','B5', 'Moccasin'

? ? 'FF','DA','B9', 'PeachPuff'

? ? 'EE','E8','AA', 'PaleGoldenrod'

? ? 'F0','E6','8C', 'Khaki'

? ? 'BD','B7','6B', 'DarkKhaki'

? ? 'FF','D7','00', 'Gold'

? ? %Brown colors

? ? 'A5','2A','2A', 'Brown'

? ? 'FF','F8','DC', 'Cornsilk'

? ? 'FF','EB','CD', 'BlanchedAlmond'

? ? 'FF','E4','C4', 'Bisque'

? ? 'FF','DE','AD', 'NavajoWhite'

? ? 'F5','DE','B3', 'Wheat'

? ? 'DE','B8','87', 'BurlyWood'

? ? 'D2','B4','8C', 'Tan'

? ? 'BC','8F','8F', 'RosyBrown'

? ? 'F4','A4','60', 'SandyBrown'

? ? 'DA','A5','20', 'Goldenrod'

? ? 'B8','86','0B', 'DarkGoldenrod'

? ? 'CD','85','3F', 'Peru'

? ? 'D2','69','1E', 'Chocolate'

? ? '8B','45','13', 'SaddleBrown'

? ? 'A0','52','2D', 'Sienna'

? ? '80','00','00', 'Maroon'

? ? %Green colors

? ? '00','80','00', 'Green'

? ? '98','FB','98', 'PaleGreen'

? ? '90','EE','90', 'LightGreen'

? ? '9A','CD','32', 'YellowGreen'

? ? 'AD','FF','2F', 'GreenYellow'

? ? '7F','FF','00', 'Chartreuse'

? ? '7C','FC','00', 'LawnGreen'

? ? '00','FF','00', 'Lime'

? ? '32','CD','32', 'LimeGreen'

? ? '00','FA','9A', 'MediumSpringGreen'

? ? '00','FF','7F', 'SpringGreen'

? ? '66','CD','AA', 'MediumAquamarine'

? ? '7F','FF','D4', 'Aquamarine'

? ? '20','B2','AA', 'LightSeaGreen'

? ? '3C','B3','71', 'MediumSeaGreen'

? ? '2E','8B','57', 'SeaGreen'

? ? '8F','BC','8F', 'DarkSeaGreen'

? ? '22','8B','22', 'ForestGreen'

? ? '00','64','00', 'DarkGreen'

? ? '6B','8E','23', 'OliveDrab'

? ? '80','80','00', 'Olive'

? ? '55','6B','2F', 'DarkOliveGreen'

? ? '00','80','80', 'Teal'

? ? %Blue colors

? ? '00','00','FF', 'Blue'

? ? 'AD','D8','E6', 'LightBlue'

? ? 'B0','E0','E6', 'PowderBlue'

? ? 'AF','EE','EE', 'PaleTurquoise'

? ? '40','E0','D0', 'Turquoise'

? ? '48','D1','CC', 'MediumTurquoise'

? ? '00','CE','D1', 'DarkTurquoise'

? ? 'E0','FF','FF', 'LightCyan'

? ? '00','FF','FF', 'Cyan'

? ? '00','FF','FF', 'Aqua'

? ? '00','8B','8B', 'DarkCyan'

? ? '5F','9E','A0', 'CadetBlue'

? ? 'B0','C4','DE', 'LightSteelBlue'

? ? '46','82','B4', 'SteelBlue'

? ? '87','CE','FA', 'LightSkyBlue'

? ? '87','CE','EB', 'SkyBlue'

? ? '00','BF','FF', 'DeepSkyBlue'

? ? '1E','90','FF', 'DodgerBlue'

? ? '64','95','ED', 'CornflowerBlue'

? ? '41','69','E1', 'RoyalBlue'

? ? '00','00','CD', 'MediumBlue'

? ? '00','00','8B', 'DarkBlue'

? ? '00','00','80', 'Navy'

? ? '19','19','70', 'MidnightBlue'

? ? %Purple colors

? ? '80','00','80', 'Purple'

? ? 'E6','E6','FA', 'Lavender'

? ? 'D8','BF','D8', 'Thistle'

? ? 'DD','A0','DD', 'Plum'

? ? 'EE','82','EE', 'Violet'

? ? 'DA','70','D6', 'Orchid'

? ? 'FF','00','FF', 'Fuchsia'

? ? 'FF','00','FF', 'Magenta'

? ? 'BA','55','D3', 'MediumOrchid'

? ? '93','70','DB', 'MediumPurple'

? ? '99','66','CC', 'Amethyst'

? ? '8A','2B','E2', 'BlueViolet'

? ? '94','00','D3', 'DarkViolet'

? ? '99','32','CC', 'DarkOrchid'

? ? '8B','00','8B', 'DarkMagenta'

? ? '6A','5A','CD', 'SlateBlue'

? ? '48','3D','8B', 'DarkSlateBlue'

? ? '7B','68','EE', 'MediumSlateBlue'

? ? '4B','00','82', 'Indigo'

? ? %Gray repeated with spelling grey

? ? '80','80','80', 'Grey'

? ? 'D3','D3','D3', 'LightGrey'

? ? 'A9','A9','A9', 'DarkGrey'

? ? '69','69','69', 'DimGrey'

? ? '77','88','99', 'LightSlateGrey'

? ? '70','80','90', 'SlateGrey'

? ? '2F','4F','4F', 'DarkSlateGrey'

? ? };

? hex = css(:,1:3);

? name = css(:,4);


%CMAP Create a custom colormap from RGB values


% FUNCTION: cmap_out = cmap(in_arg,in_size,in_cutd,in_cutl)


% Create custom colormaps from any number of colors

% Inputs: 1) in_arg = RGB triplets: [A B C] with values between 0-1

%? ? ? ? 2) in_size (optional): Length of colorbar (i.e. 10 = 10 colors)

%? ? ? ? 3) in_cutd/l (optional): Cutoff values D,L (%): Remove D% darkest and L% lightest colors


% If only color is given, default cutoff = 10%

% If only color and length are given, X% = Y%


% If CMAP_OUT is given, the function returns a matrix.

% If CMAP_OUT is not given, colormap is set as specified by input arguments.


% NOTE: Please download the excellent RGB.m code from Kristj醤 J髇asson, University of Iceland.

% Colors may then be specified as 'steelblue', 'forestgreen' etc. in stead of RGB triplets.

% See: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/24497-rgb-triple-of-color-name-version-2


% Any of the following expressions give the same result:

%? cmap('green');

%? a = cmap('green'); colormap(a)

%? colormap(cmap('green'));


% Syntax: 1) optional_variable = cmap([1 0 0]); (Red tones)

%? ? ? ? 2) optional_variable = cmap('red'); (Type rgb chart to see available color names)

%? ? ? ? 3) optional_variable = cmap([1 0 0],12); (Red tones, 12 colors from black to white)

%? ? ? ? 4) optional_variable = cmap('red',12,15) (Red tones, 12 colors, with the 15% darkest & lightest colors removed)

%? ? ? ? 5) optional_variable = cmap('red',12,30,0) (Red tones, 12 colors, with only the 30% darkest colors removed)


% % Example 1: Red colors

% figure; pcolor([0:20;0:20]); cmap('red'); colorbar('horiz'); title('Ex 1: Red, using rgb.m function')

% figure; pcolor([0:20;0:20]'); cmap([0 1 0]); colorbar('horiz'); title('Ex 1: Green, using RGB values [0 1 0]')


% % Example 2: 10 blue colors

% figure; pcolor([0:20;0:20]); colormap(cmap('steelblue',10));

% shading flat; colorbar('horiz'); title('Ex 2: Steel blue, 10 colors')


% % Example 3: dark blue - dark red colorbar, 20 colors, 5% darkest values and 20% lightest values cut

% figure; pcolor([0:20;0:20]);

% colormap([cmap('steelblue',10,5,20);flipud(cmap('firebrick',10,5,20))]); colorbar('horiz');

% title('Ex 3: Blue -> Red, 20 colors, 5% darkest and 20% lightest colors are cut')


% % Example 4: 2/3 green + 1/3 yellow, individually cut

% p = rand(20,20)*100;

% figure; pcolor(p);

% colormap([cmap('seagreen',ceil(length(unique(p))-1)/3*2,20,1);flipud(cmap('yellow',floor(length(unique(p))-1)/3,20,8))]);

% colorbar('horiz'); title('Ex 4: 2/3 green, 1/3 yellow colors, darkest/lightest colors cut individually')


% % Example 5: Mix a new spectrum with different colors and tones:

% p = rand(20,20)*100; figure; pcolor(p)

% colmap1 = cmap('steelblue',10,10,15);

% colmap2 = cmap('orange',6,40,20);

% colmap3 = rgb('orangered');

% colmap4 = cmap('red',8,15,45);

% colormap([colmap1;flipud(colmap2);colmap3;flipud(colmap4)]);

% colorbar('horiz'); title('Ex 5: Spectrum')



% This program is public domain and may be distributed freely.

% Author: Erik Kvaleberg, Norwegian Naval Training Establishment (ekvaleberg@gmail.com)

% July 2013


function [cmap_out] = cmap(in_arg,in_size,in_cutd,in_cutl)

if ischar(in_arg)

? in_arg = lower(in_arg);

? cvec = rgb(in_arg);

elseif isnumeric(in_arg)

? if sum(size(in_arg))==4 && min(size(in_arg))==1

? cvec = in_arg;

? else

? fprintf(1,'\n\n\n Error: Invalid color \n\n');

? return

? end


if nargin == 1

cinc = 0.01;


cinc = 0.0001;


if nargin == 3

if in_cutd <= 0; in_cutd = 1; end

else if nargin == 4

if in_cutd <= 0; in_cutd = 1; end

if in_cutl <= 0; in_cutl = 1; end

end; end

map = NaN(length(-max(cvec)-1:cinc:max(cvec)+1),3);

for cii = 1:length(-max(cvec)-1:cinc:max(cvec)+1)

map(cii,:) = (cvec-1-max(cvec)) + cinc*cii;


clear cii

map(find(map<0)) = 0; map(find(map>1)) = 1;

for cii = 1:length(map(:,1))

if (map(cii,1)==1) & (map(cii,2)==1) & (map(cii,3)==1) %#ok<AND2>

? endind(cii) = cii;


? endind(cii) = NaN;



clear cii

for cii = 1:length(map(:,1))

if (map(cii,1)==0) & (map(cii,2)==0) & (map(cii,3)==0) %#ok<AND2>

? startind(cii) = cii;


? startind(cii) = NaN;



clear cii

map = map(max(startind)+1:min(endind)-1,:);

if nargout == 0

if nargin == 2

? % Cut the 10% darkest and 10% lightest colors if in_size,in_cutxy is not given

? map = map(ceil(length(map(:,1))*(10/100)):end - floor(length(map(:,1))*(10/100)),:);

? % Divide into Z colors

? colormap(map(floor(length(map(:,1))/in_size):floor(length(map(:,1))/in_size):length(map(:,1)),:));

else if nargin == 3

? % Cut the X% darkest and X% lightest colors if in_size is given

? map = map(ceil(length(map(:,1))*(in_cutd/100)):end - floor(length(map(:,1))*(in_cutd/100)),:);

? % Divide into Z colors

? colormap(map(length(map(:,1))/in_size:floor(length(map(:,1))/in_size):length(map(:,1)),:));

else if nargin == 4

? % Cut the X% darkest and Y% lightest colors if in_size is given

? map = map(ceil(length(map(:,1))*(in_cutd/100)):end - floor(length(map(:,1))*(in_cutl/100)),:);

? % Divide into Z colors

? colormap(map(length(map(:,1))/in_size:floor(length(map(:,1))/in_size):length(map(:,1)),:));


? % Cut the 10% darkest and 10% lightest colors if in_size,in_cutxy is not given

? colormap(map(floor(length(map(:,1))*(10/100)):end - floor(length(map(:,1))*(10/100)),:));





if nargin == 2

% Cut the 10% darkest and 10% lightest colors if in_size,in_cutxy is not given

map = map(ceil(length(map(:,1))*(10/100)):end - floor(length(map(:,1))*(10/100)),:);

% Divide into Z colors

cmap_out = map(floor(length(map(:,1))/in_size):floor(length(map(:,1))/in_size):length(map(:,1)),:);

else if nargin == 3

% Cut the X% darkest and X% lightest colors if in_size is given

map = map(ceil(length(map(:,1))*(in_cutd/100)):end - floor(length(map(:,1))*(in_cutd/100)),:);

% Divide into Z colors

cmap_out = map(length(map(:,1))/in_size:floor(length(map(:,1))/in_size):length(map(:,1)),:);

else if nargin == 4

% Cut the X% darkest and Y% lightest colors if in_size is given

map = map(ceil(length(map(:,1))*(in_cutd/100)):end - floor(length(map(:,1))*(in_cutl/100)),:);

% Divide into Z colors

cmap_out = map(floor(length(map(:,1))/in_size):floor(length(map(:,1))/in_size):length(map(:,1)),:);


% Cut the 10% darkest and 10% lightest colors if in_size,in_cutxy is not given

cmap_out = map(floor(length(map(:,1))*(10/100)):end - floor(length(map(:,1))*(10/100)),:);





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  • 序言:老撾萬榮一對情侶失蹤衅澈,失蹤者是張志新(化名)和其女友劉穎键菱,沒想到半個月后,有當(dāng)?shù)厝嗽跇淞掷锇l(fā)現(xiàn)了一具尸體今布,經(jīng)...
    沈念sama閱讀 44,275評論 1 303
  • 正文 獨居荒郊野嶺守林人離奇死亡经备,尸身上長有42處帶血的膿包…… 初始之章·張勛 以下內(nèi)容為張勛視角 年9月15日...
    茶點故事閱讀 36,592評論 2 327
  • 正文 我和宋清朗相戀三年,在試婚紗的時候發(fā)現(xiàn)自己被綠了险耀。 大學(xué)時的朋友給我發(fā)了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃飯的照片弄喘。...
    茶點故事閱讀 38,724評論 1 341
  • 序言:一個原本活蹦亂跳的男人離奇死亡,死狀恐怖甩牺,靈堂內(nèi)的尸體忽然破棺而出蘑志,到底是詐尸還是另有隱情,我是刑警寧澤贬派,帶...
    沈念sama閱讀 34,409評論 4 333
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布急但,位于F島的核電站,受9級特大地震影響搞乏,放射性物質(zhì)發(fā)生泄漏波桩。R本人自食惡果不足惜,卻給世界環(huán)境...
    茶點故事閱讀 40,052評論 3 316
  • 文/蒙蒙 一请敦、第九天 我趴在偏房一處隱蔽的房頂上張望镐躲。 院中可真熱鬧,春花似錦侍筛、人聲如沸萤皂。這莊子的主人今日做“春日...
    開封第一講書人閱讀 30,815評論 0 21
  • 文/蒼蘭香墨 我抬頭看了看天上的太陽裆熙。三九已至,卻和暖如春,著一層夾襖步出監(jiān)牢的瞬間入录,已是汗流浹背蛤奥。 一陣腳步聲響...
    開封第一講書人閱讀 32,043評論 1 266
  • 我被黑心中介騙來泰國打工, 沒想到剛下飛機就差點兒被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留僚稿,地道東北人凡桥。 一個月前我還...
    沈念sama閱讀 46,503評論 2 361
  • 正文 我出身青樓,卻偏偏與公主長得像贫奠,于是被迫代替她去往敵國和親唬血。 傳聞我的和親對象是個殘疾皇子,可洞房花燭夜當(dāng)晚...
    茶點故事閱讀 43,627評論 2 350
