Hey,guys.I am Carla.
Dialogue 1
Elementary - Diffificult Customer
A: Good evening. My name is Fabio, I’ll be your waiter for tonight. May I take your order?
B: No, I’m still working on it. This menu is not even in English. What’s good here?
A: For you sir, I would recommend spaghetti and? meatballs.
B: Does it come with coke and fries?
A: It comes with either soup or salad and a complimentary glass of wine, Sir.
B: I’ll go with the spaghetti and meatballs, salad and the wine.
A: Excellent choice, your order will be ready soon. ??
B: How soon is soon?
A: Twenty minutes?
B: You know what? I’ll just go grab a burger across the street.
Okay.Next part is 重點句型饿敲,單詞講解^_^
1. May I take your order? 請問準備好點餐了嗎?
take one's order 這句話我們經常能在西方餐廳聽到裳扯。當我們看完菜單后,服務員都會問一句May I take your order?請問您可以點菜了嗎?
e.g. Then the child spoke into the instrument拳亿,Welcome to McDonald's。May I take your order愿伴?接著肺魁,小知女孩對著聽診器說道:歡迎道光臨麥當勞。您要點什么隔节?
如果是在部隊或者其它情況下鹅经,take one's order也可以是執(zhí)行某人的命令,按照順序來的意思。
e.g.Please line up and take your order. 請排隊怎诫,按順序來瘾晃。
2. work on 表示致力于,努力做一件事情
當服務員問顧客是否可以點餐了幻妓,顧客回答說蹦误,I’m still working on it.說明自己還沒點完,還在研究中肉津。相當于 I need more time/I haven't finished it yet.
e.g. A:did you finish reading the magazine?你讀完那本雜志了嗎强胰?
? ? ?? B: I am still working on it.還沒有,再給我點時間妹沙。
3. come with 與......一起供給偶洋, 隨......一起發(fā)生
Does it come with coke and fries? 有配可樂和薯條嗎?當你想問某一個東西有配送什么食物或贈品距糖,你就可以用這個句型 Does it come with...?
e.g. Okay, I'll take thisone.Does it come withbatteries and a case?
4.complimentary 贈送的恩脂, 免費的
complimentary glass of wine 贈送一杯酒 Complimentary跟Free的意思差不多,也是表示免費提供的意思——特別是在酒店趣斤,商品的標語上會寫俩块。
e.g. All guests will receive a complimentary bottle of champagne.
5. go with 在這里有選擇的意思
I’ll go with the spaghetti and meatballs, salad and the wine. 那我要意大利面,牛肉丸典阵,沙拉奋渔,酒。
e.g. Which size would you like? 你想要哪一個尺寸壮啊?
? ? ? I'll go with the big one.我選擇那個大的嫉鲸。
例如玄渗,與某人一同去,e.g.I' ll go with you.我跟你一起去狸眼。
?搭配藤树,匹配。e.g. The furniture goes very well with the room.家俱和房間很和諧
意見一致拓萌,贊同某人岁钓。I can't go with you in that.在那方面,我同你的意見不一致微王。等屡限。
6.go grab 去吃,去喝炕倘,去拿....
I’ll just go grab a burger across the street.我去街對面吃個漢堡得了钧大。當你想要邀請某人一起去吃東西時,你就可以用到罩旋, go grab sth.
e,g, Let's go grab a drink. 我們去小酌一杯怎么樣啊央。
Bye, see you next time.