3. PySimpleGUI Cookbook 學習筆記

其他的 GUI 工具可以參考:在這個什么都看臉的時代,如何用 GUI 提高 python 程序的顏值耿战?

在 PySimpleGUI 中尔许, 小部件(widgets)被稱為 元素(elements)宵晚。元素的名稱與編碼中使用的名稱保持一致。

All of your PySimpleGUI programs will utilize one of these 2 design patterns depending on the type of window you're implementing. The two types of windows are: 1. One-shot window 2. Persistent window

Pattern 1: "One-shot Window"

  • 該設計模式的窗口特點:read and then closes
  • 使用 sg.Window('Window Title', layout) 創(chuàng)建
from pathlib import Path
import PySimpleGUI as sg
layout = [[sg.Text('My one-shot window.')],      
                 [sg.Submit(), sg.Cancel()]]      

window = sg.Window('Window Title', layout)    

event, values = window.Read()    
window.Close()  # 切記

text_input = values[0]    
  • sg.Text:用來在窗口內的顯示文字
  • sg.InputText:類似于 python 內置函數(shù) input
  • sg.Submit(), sg.Cancel():兩個按鈕,含義自明

Pattern 2:A - Persistent window (multiple reads using an event loop)


layout = [[sg.Text('Persistent window')],      
          [sg.Button('Read'), sg.Exit()]]      

window = sg.Window('Window that stays open', layout)      

while True:      
    event, values = window.Read()      
    if event is None or event == 'Exit':      
    print(event, values)    

layout = [[sg.Text('Your typed chars appear here:'), sg.Text('', key='_OUTPUT_')],
          [sg.Input(do_not_clear=True, key='_IN_')],
          [sg.Button('Show'), sg.Button('Exit')]]

window = sg.Window('Window Title', layout)

while True:                 # Event Loop
    event, values = window.Read()
    print(event, values)
    if event is None or event == 'Exit':
    if event == 'Show':
        # change the "output" element to be the value of "input" element



layout = [
    [sg.Text('Please enter your Name, Address, Phone')],
    [sg.Text('Name', size=(15, 1)), sg.InputText()],
    [sg.Text('Address', size=(15, 1)), sg.InputText()],
    [sg.Text('Phone', size=(15, 1)), sg.InputText()],
    [sg.Submit(), sg.Cancel()]

window = sg.Window('Simple data entry window', layout)
event, values = window.Read()
print(event, values[0], values[1], values[2])
# Very basic window.  Return values as a dictionary

layout = [
    [sg.Text('Please enter your Name, Address, Phone')],
    [sg.Text('Name', size=(15, 1)),
     sg.InputText('Tom', key='_NAME_')],  # 設置默認值,并且改變 key
    [sg.Text('Address', size=(15, 1)), sg.InputText(
        'address', key='_ADDRESS_')],
    [sg.Text('Phone', size=(15, 1)),
     sg.InputText('phone', key='_PHONE_')],
    [sg.Submit(), sg.Cancel()]

window = sg.Window('Simple data entry GUI', layout)

event, values = window.Read()


print(event, values['_NAME_'], values['_ADDRESS_'], values['_PHONE_'])

File 瀏覽器

layout = [[sg.Text('SHA-1 and SHA-256 Hashes for the file')],
          [sg.InputText(), sg.FileBrowse()],
          [sg.Submit(), sg.Cancel()]]

with sg.Window('SHA-1 & 256 Hash', layout) as window:
    (event, (source_filename,)) = window.Read()

print(event, source_filename)
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import sys

if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    event, (fname,) = sg.Window('My Script').Layout([[sg.Text('Document to open')],
                                                     [sg.In(), sg.FileBrowse()],
                                                     [sg.CloseButton('Open'), sg.CloseButton('Cancel')]]).Read()
    fname = sys.argv[1]

if not fname:
    sg.Popup("Cancel", "No filename supplied")
    raise SystemExit("Cancelling: no filename supplied")
print(event, fname)
layout = [[sg.Text('Enter 2 files to comare')],
          [sg.Text('File 1', size=(8, 1)), sg.InputText(), sg.FileBrowse()],
          [sg.Text('File 2', size=(8, 1)), sg.InputText(), sg.FileBrowse()],
          [sg.Submit(), sg.Cancel()]]

window = sg.Window('File Compare', layout)

event, values = window.Read()
print(event, values)


def window_op(title, layout):
    with sg.Window(title, layout) as window:
        event, values = window.Read()
    return event, values
layout = [[sg.Text('Row 1')],
          [sg.Text('Row 2'), sg.Checkbox('Checkbox 1', sg.OK()), sg.Checkbox('Checkbox 2'), sg.OK()]]

Checkbox 類型元素返回 TrueFalse 類型的值醒陆。由于默認處于未選中狀態(tài),兩個元素的值都是 False裆针。

使用 sg.Popup('The GUI returned:', button, values) 替代 print 在窗口顯示:

import PySimpleGUI as sg

sg.ChangeLookAndFeel('GreenTan')  # 綠色的配色方案

# ------ Menu Definition ------ #
menu_def = [['File', ['Open', 'Save', 'Exit', 'Properties']],
            ['Edit', ['Paste', ['Special', 'Normal', ], 'Undo'], ],
            ['Help', 'About...'], ]

# ------ Column Definition ------ #
column1 = [[sg.Text('Column 1', background_color='#F7F3EC', justification='center', size=(10, 1))],
           [sg.Spin(values=('Spin Box 1', '2', '3'),
                    initial_value='Spin Box 1')],
           [sg.Spin(values=('Spin Box 1', '2', '3'),
                    initial_value='Spin Box 2')],
           [sg.Spin(values=('Spin Box 1', '2', '3'), initial_value='Spin Box 3')]]

layout = [
    [sg.Menu(menu_def, tearoff=True)],
    [sg.Text('All graphic widgets in one window!', size=(
        30, 1), justification='center', font=("Helvetica", 25), relief=sg.RELIEF_RIDGE)],
    [sg.Text('Here is some text.... and a place to enter text')],
    [sg.InputText('This is my text')],
        [sg.Checkbox('Checkbox', size=(10, 1)),  sg.Checkbox(
            'My second checkbox!', default=True)],
        [sg.Radio('My first Radio!     ', "RADIO1", default=True, size=(10, 1)), sg.Radio('My second Radio!', "RADIO1")]], title='Options', title_color='red', relief=sg.RELIEF_SUNKEN, tooltip='Use these to set flags')],
    [sg.Multiline(default_text='This is the default Text should you decide not to type anything', size=(35, 3)),
     sg.Multiline(default_text='A second multi-line', size=(35, 3))],
    [sg.InputCombo(('Combobox 1', 'Combobox 2'), size=(20, 1)),
     sg.Slider(range=(1, 100), orientation='h', size=(34, 20), default_value=85)],
    [sg.InputOptionMenu(('Menu Option 1', 'Menu Option 2', 'Menu Option 3'))],
    [sg.Listbox(values=('Listbox 1', 'Listbox 2', 'Listbox 3'), size=(30, 3)),
     sg.Frame('Labelled Group', [[
         sg.Slider(range=(1, 100), orientation='v',
                   size=(5, 20), default_value=25),
         sg.Slider(range=(1, 100), orientation='v',
                   size=(5, 20), default_value=75),
         sg.Slider(range=(1, 100), orientation='v',
                   size=(5, 20), default_value=10),
         sg.Column(column1, background_color='#F7F3EC')]])],
    [sg.Text('_' * 80)],
    [sg.Text('Choose A Folder', size=(35, 1))],
    [sg.Text('Your Folder', size=(15, 1), auto_size_text=False, justification='right'),
     sg.InputText('Default Folder'), sg.FolderBrowse()],
    [sg.Submit(tooltip='Click to submit this window'), sg.Cancel()]

window = sg.Window('Everything bagel', layout,
                   default_element_size=(40, 1), grab_anywhere=False)

event, values = window.Read()
         'The results of the window.',
         'The button clicked was "{}"'.format(event),
         'The values are', values)

column1 = [[sg.Text('Column 1', background_color='#d3dfda', justification='center', size=(10,1))],
           [sg.Spin(values=('Spin Box 1', '2', '3'), initial_value='Spin Box 1')],
           [sg.Spin(values=('Spin Box 1', '2', '3'), initial_value='Spin Box 2')],
           [sg.Spin(values=('Spin Box 1', '2', '3'), initial_value='Spin Box 3')]]
layout = [
    [sg.Text('All graphic widgets in one form!', size=(30, 1), font=("Helvetica", 25))],
    [sg.Text('Here is some text.... and a place to enter text')],
    [sg.InputText('This is my text')],
    [sg.Checkbox('My first checkbox!'), sg.Checkbox('My second checkbox!', default=True)],
    [sg.Radio('My first Radio!     ', "RADIO1", default=True), sg.Radio('My second Radio!', "RADIO1")],
    [sg.Multiline(default_text='This is the default Text should you decide not to type anything', size=(35, 3)),
     sg.Multiline(default_text='A second multi-line', size=(35, 3))],
    [sg.InputCombo(('Combobox 1', 'Combobox 2'), size=(20, 3)),
     sg.Slider(range=(1, 100), orientation='h', size=(34, 20), default_value=85)],
    [sg.Listbox(values=('Listbox 1', 'Listbox 2', 'Listbox 3'), size=(30, 3)),
     sg.Slider(range=(1, 100), orientation='v', size=(5, 20), default_value=25),
     sg.Slider(range=(1, 100), orientation='v', size=(5, 20), default_value=75),
     sg.Slider(range=(1, 100), orientation='v', size=(5, 20), default_value=10),
     sg.Column(column1, background_color='#d3dfda')],
    [sg.Text('_'  * 80)],
    [sg.Text('Choose A Folder', size=(35, 1))],
    [sg.Text('Your Folder', size=(15, 1), auto_size_text=False, justification='right'),
     sg.InputText('Default Folder'), sg.FolderBrowse()],
    [sg.Submit(), sg.Cancel()]
form = sg.FlexForm('Everything bagel', layout, default_element_size=(40, 1))
button, values = form.Read()
sg.Popup(button, values)

為你的程序或腳本添加 GUI

如果你有一個命令行方式使用的腳本刨摩,添加 GUI 不一定意味著完全放棄該腳本寺晌。一種簡單的方案如下:如果腳本不需要命令行參數(shù),那么可以直接使用 GUI 調用該腳本澡刹;反之呻征,就按原來的方式運行腳本。

if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    # collect arguments from GUI
    # collect arguements from sys.argv

下面的例子的詳解請參考:The PySimpleGUI Cookbook



layout = [[sg.Text('Stopwatch', size=(20, 2), justification='center')],
            [sg.Text('', size=(10, 2), font=('Helvetica', 20), justification='center', key='_OUTPUT_')],
            [sg.T(' ' * 5), sg.Button('Start/Stop', focus=True), sg.Quit()]]

window = sg.Window('Running Timer', layout)

timer_running = True
i = 0
# Event Loop
while True:
    i += 1 * (timer_running is True)
    event, values = window.Read(timeout=10) # Please try and use a timeout when possible
    if event is None or event == 'Quit':  # if user closed the window using X or clicked Quit button
    elif event == 'Start/Stop':
        timer_running = not timer_running
    window.Element('_OUTPUT_').Update('{:02d}:{:02d}.{:02d}'.format((i // 100) // 60, (i // 100) % 60, i % 100))
import PySimpleGUI as sg

# This design pattern simulates button callbacks
# Note that callbacks are NOT a part of the package's interface to the
# caller intentionally.  The underlying implementation actually does use
# tkinter callbacks.  They are simply hidden from the user.

# The callback functions

def button1():
    print('Button 1 callback')

def button2():
    print('Button 2 callback')

# Layout the design of the GUI
layout = [[sg.Text('Please click a button', auto_size_text=True)],
          [sg.Button('1'), sg.Button('2'), sg.Quit()]]

# Show the Window to the user
window = sg.Window('Button callback example', layout)

# Event loop. Read buttons, make callbacks
while True:
    # Read the Window
    event, value = window.Read()
    # Take appropriate action based on button
    if event == '1':
    elif event == '2':
    elif event == 'Quit' or event is None:
# All done!
import PySimpleGUI as sg

layout = [[sg.Text('Robotics Remote Control')],
          [sg.T(' ' * 10), sg.RealtimeButton('Forward')],
          [sg.RealtimeButton('Left'), sg.T(' ' * 15),
          [sg.T(' ' * 10), sg.RealtimeButton('Reverse')],
          [sg.Quit(button_color=('black', 'orange'))]

window = sg.Window('Robotics Remote Control', layout, auto_size_text=True)

# Some place later in your code...
# You need to perform a Read or Refresh on your window every now and then or
# else it will appear your program has hung
# your program's main loop
while (True):
    # This is the code that reads and updates your window
    event, values = window.Read(timeout=10)
    if event is not None:
    if event == 'Quit' or values is None:

window.Close()   # Don't forget to close your window!
import PySimpleGUI as sg

for i in range(1000):
    sg.OneLineProgressMeter('One Line Meter Example', i+1, 1000, 'key')
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    import PySimpleGUI as sg
    import PySimpleGUI27 as sg

# An Async Demonstration of a media player
# Uses button images for a super snazzy look
# See how it looks here:
# https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13696193/43159403-45c9726e-8f50-11e8-9da0-0d272e20c579.jpg

def MediaPlayerGUI():
    background = '#F0F0F0'
    # Set the backgrounds the same as the background on the buttons
    # Images are located in a subfolder in the Demo Media Player.py folder
    image_pause = './ButtonGraphics/Pause.png'
    image_restart = './ButtonGraphics/Restart.png'
    image_next = './ButtonGraphics/Next.png'
    image_exit = './ButtonGraphics/Exit.png'

    # A text element that will be changed to display messages in the GUI

    # define layout of the rows
    layout = [[sg.Text('Media File Player', size=(17, 1), font=("Helvetica", 25))],
              [sg.Text('', size=(15, 2), font=("Helvetica", 14), key='output')],
              [sg.Button('', button_color=(background, background),
                         image_filename=image_restart, image_size=(50, 50), image_subsample=2, border_width=0, key='Restart Song'),
               sg.Text(' ' * 2),
               sg.Button('', button_color=(background, background),
                         image_filename=image_pause, image_size=(50, 50), image_subsample=2, border_width=0, key='Pause'),
               sg.Text(' ' * 2),
               sg.Button('', button_color=(background, background), image_filename=image_next, image_size=(
                   50, 50), image_subsample=2, border_width=0, key='Next'),
               sg.Text(' ' * 2),
               sg.Text(' ' * 2), sg.Button('', button_color=(background, background),
                                           image_filename=image_exit, image_size=(50, 50), image_subsample=2, border_width=0, key='Exit')],
              [sg.Text(' '*30)],
        sg.Slider(range=(-10, 10), default_value=0, size=(10, 20),
                  orientation='vertical', font=("Helvetica", 15)),
        sg.Text(' ' * 2),
        sg.Slider(range=(-10, 10), default_value=0, size=(10, 20),
                  orientation='vertical', font=("Helvetica", 15)),
        sg.Text(' ' * 2),
        sg.Slider(range=(-10, 10), default_value=0, size=(10, 20), orientation='vertical', font=("Helvetica", 15))],
        [sg.Text('   Bass', font=("Helvetica", 15), size=(9, 1)),
         sg.Text('Treble', font=("Helvetica", 15), size=(7, 1)),
         sg.Text('Volume', font=("Helvetica", 15), size=(7, 1))]

    # Open a form, note that context manager can't be used generally speaking for async forms
    window = sg.Window('Media File Player', layout, auto_size_text=True, default_element_size=(20, 1),
                       font=("Helvetica", 25))
    # Our event loop
        event, values = window.Read(timeout=100)        # Poll every 100 ms
        if event == 'Exit' or event is None:
        # If a button was pressed, display it on the GUI by updating the text element
        if event != sg.TIMEOUT_KEY:

window.Close()   # Don't forget to close your window!
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import subprocess

# Please check Demo programs for better examples of launchers

def ExecuteCommandSubprocess(command, *args):
        sp = subprocess.Popen([command, *args], shell=True,
                              stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        out, err = sp.communicate()
        if out:
        if err:

layout = [
    [sg.Text('Script output....', size=(40, 1))],
    [sg.Output(size=(88, 20))],
    [sg.Button('script1'), sg.Button('script2'), sg.Button('EXIT')],
    [sg.Text('Manual command', size=(15, 1)), sg.InputText(
        focus=True), sg.Button('Run', bind_return_key=True)]

window = sg.Window('Script launcher', layout)

# ---===--- Loop taking in user input and using it to call scripts --- #

while True:
    (event, value) = window.Read()
    if event == 'EXIT' or event is None:
        break  # exit button clicked
    if event == 'script1':
        ExecuteCommandSubprocess('pip', 'list')
    elif event == 'script2':
        ExecuteCommandSubprocess('python', '--version')
    elif event == 'Run':
window.Close()   # Don't forget to close your window!
import subprocess
import PySimpleGUI as sg

CHROME = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"

layout = [[sg.Text('Text area', key='_TEXT_')],
          [sg.Input(do_not_clear=True, key='_URL_')],
          [sg.Button('Chrome'), sg.Button('Exit')]]

window = sg.Window('Window Title', layuout)

while True:             # Event Loop
    event, values = window.Read()
    print(event, values)
    if event is None or event == 'Exit':
    if event == 'Chrome':
        sp = subprocess.Popen([CHROME, values['_URL_']], shell=True,
                              stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

import PySimpleGUI as sg

# Green & tan color scheme


layout = [[sg.Text('Machine Learning Command Line Parameters', font=('Helvetica', 16))],
          [sg.Text('Passes', size=(15, 1)), sg.Spin(values=[i for i in range(1, 1000)], initial_value=20, size=(6, 1)),
           sg.Text('Steps', size=(18, 1)), sg.Spin(values=[i for i in range(1, 1000)], initial_value=20, size=(6, 1))],
          [sg.Text('ooa', size=(15, 1)), sg.In(default_text='6', size=(10, 1)), sg.Text('nn', size=(15, 1)),
           sg.In(default_text='10', size=(10, 1))],
          [sg.Text('q', size=(15, 1)), sg.In(default_text='ff', size=(10, 1)), sg.Text('ngram', size=(15, 1)),
           sg.In(default_text='5', size=(10, 1))],
          [sg.Text('l', size=(15, 1)), sg.In(default_text='0.4', size=(10, 1)), sg.Text('Layers', size=(15, 1)),
           sg.Drop(values=('BatchNorm', 'other'), auto_size_text=True)],
          [sg.Text('_' * 100, size=(65, 1))],
          [sg.Text('Flags', font=('Helvetica', 15), justification='left')],
          [sg.Checkbox('Normalize', size=(12, 1), default=True),
           sg.Checkbox('Verbose', size=(20, 1))],
          [sg.Checkbox('Cluster', size=(12, 1)), sg.Checkbox(
              'Flush Output', size=(20, 1), default=True)],
          [sg.Checkbox('Write Results', size=(12, 1)), sg.Checkbox(
              'Keep Intermediate Data', size=(20, 1))],
          [sg.Text('_' * 100, size=(65, 1))],
          [sg.Text('Loss Functions', font=(
              'Helvetica', 15), justification='left')],
          [sg.Radio('Cross-Entropy', 'loss', size=(12, 1)),
           sg.Radio('Logistic', 'loss', default=True, size=(12, 1))],
          [sg.Radio('Hinge', 'loss', size=(12, 1)),
           sg.Radio('Huber', 'loss', size=(12, 1))],
          [sg.Radio('Kullerback', 'loss', size=(12, 1)),
           sg.Radio('MAE(L1)', 'loss', size=(12, 1))],
          [sg.Radio('MSE(L2)', 'loss', size=(12, 1)),
           sg.Radio('MB(L0)', 'loss', size=(12, 1))],
          [sg.Submit(), sg.Cancel()]]

window = sg.Window('Machine Learning Front End',
                   layout, font=("Helvetica", 12))

event, values = window.Read()
import PySimpleGUI as sg

# layout the Window
layout = [[sg.Text('A custom progress meter')],
          [sg.ProgressBar(1000, orientation='h', size=(20, 20), key='progbar')],

# create the Window
window = sg.Window('Custom Progress Meter', layout)
# loop that would normally do something useful
for i in range(1000):
    # check to see if the cancel button was clicked and exit loop if clicked
    event, values = window.Read(timeout=0)
    if event == 'Cancel' or event is None:
        # update bar with loop value +1 so that bar eventually reaches the maximum
    window.Element('progbar').UpdateBar(i + 1)
# done with loop... need to destroy the window as it's still open

The One-Line GUI

import PySimpleGUI as sg      

layout = [[sg.Text('Filename')],      
              [sg.Input(), sg.FileBrowse()],      
              [sg.OK(), sg.Cancel()]]      

window = sg.Window('Get filename example', layout)
event, (number,) = window.Read() 
import PySimpleGUI as sg      

    # Demo of how columns work      
    # GUI has on row 1 a vertical slider followed by a COLUMN with 7 rows    
    # Prior to the Column element, this layout was not possible      
    # Columns layouts look identical to GUI layouts, they are a list of lists of elements.    


    # Column layout      
col = [[sg.Text('col Row 1', text_color='white', background_color='blue')],      
           [sg.Text('col Row 2', text_color='white', background_color='blue'), sg.Input('col input 1')],      
           [sg.Text('col Row 3', text_color='white', background_color='blue'), sg.Input('col input 2')]]      

layout = [[sg.Listbox(values=('Listbox Item 1', 'Listbox Item 2', 'Listbox Item 3'), select_mode=sg.LISTBOX_SELECT_MODE_MULTIPLE, size=(20,3)), sg.Column(col, background_color='blue')],      
              [sg.Input('Last input')],      

    # Display the Window and get values    
window = sg.Window('Compact 1-line Window with column', layout)
event, values = window.Read()  
sg.Popup(event, values, line_width=200) 
import PySimpleGUI as sg    
layout = [[sg.Txt('Enter values to calculate')],
          [sg.In(size=(8, 1), key='numerator')],
          [sg.Txt('_' * 10)],
          [sg.In(size=(8, 1), key='denominator')],
          [sg.Txt('', size=(8, 1), key='output')],
          [sg.Button('Calculate', bind_return_key=True)]]

window = sg.Window('Math', layout)

while True:
    event, values = window.Read()

    if event is not None:
            numerator = float(values['numerator'])
            denominator = float(values['denominator'])
            calc = numerator / denominator
            calc = 'Invalid'



One Element Updating Another - Compound Elements


You can easily build "compound elements" in a single like of code. This recipe shows you how to add a numeric value onto a slider.

import PySimpleGUI as sg

layout = [[sg.Text('Slider Demonstration'), sg.Text('', key='_OUTPUT_')],
          [sg.T('0', key='_LEFT_'),
           sg.Slider((1, 100), key='_SLIDER_', orientation='h',
                     enable_events=True, disable_number_display=True),
           sg.T('0', key='_RIGHT_')],
          [sg.Button('Show'), sg.Button('Exit')]]

window = sg.Window('Window Title', layout)

while True:             # Event Loop
    event, values = window.Read()
    print(event, values)
    if event is None or event == 'Exit':


Multiple Windows

This recipe is a design pattern for multiple windows where the first window is not active while the second window is showing. The first window is hidden to discourage continued interaction.

 PySimpleGUI The Complete Course Lesson 7 - Multiple Windows"""
import PySimpleGUI as sg

# Design pattern 1 - First window does not remain active

layout = [[sg.Text('Window 1'), ],
          [sg.Text('', key='_OUTPUT_')],
          [sg.Button('Launch 2')]]

win1 = sg.Window('Window 1', layout)
win2_active = False
while True:
    ev1, vals1 = win1.Read(timeout=100)
    if ev1 is None:

    if ev1 == 'Launch 2' and not win2_active:
        win2_active = True
    layout2 = [[sg.Text('Window 2')],       # note must create a layout from scratch every time. No reuse

    win2 = sg.Window('Window 2', layout2)
    while True:
        ev2, vals2 = win2.Read()
        if ev2 is None or ev2 == 'Exit':
            win2_active = False

tkinter Canvas Widget

import PySimpleGUI as sg
layout = [      
    [sg.Canvas(size=(100, 100), background_color='red', key= 'canvas')],      
    [sg.T('Change circle color to:'), sg.Button('Red'), sg.Button('Blue')]      

window = sg.Window('Canvas test', layout)      

canvas = window.Element('canvas')      
cir = canvas.TKCanvas.create_oval(50, 50, 100, 100)

while True:      
    event, values = window.Read()      
    if event is None:      
    if event == 'Blue':      
        canvas.TKCanvas.itemconfig(cir, fill="Blue")      
    elif event == 'Red':      
        canvas.TKCanvas.itemconfig(cir, fill="Red")

Graph Element - drawing circle, rectangle, etc, objects

Just like you can draw on a tkinter widget, you can also draw on a Graph Element. Graph Elements are easier on the programmer as you get to work in your own coordinate system.

graph recipe
import PySimpleGUI as sg

layout = [
    [sg.Graph(canvas_size=(400, 400), graph_bottom_left=(0, 0),
              graph_top_right=(400, 400), background_color='red', key='graph')],
    [sg.T('Change circle color to:'), sg.Button(
        'Red'), sg.Button('Blue'), sg.Button('Move')]

window = sg.Window('Graph test', layout)

graph = window.Element('graph')
circle = graph.DrawCircle((75, 75), 25, fill_color='black', line_color='white')
point = graph.DrawPoint((75, 75), 10, color='green')
oval = graph.DrawOval((25, 300), (100, 280),
                      fill_color='purple', line_color='purple')
rectangle = graph.DrawRectangle((25, 300), (100, 280), line_color='purple')
line = graph.DrawLine((0, 0), (100, 100))

while True:
    event, values = window.Read()
    if event is None:
    if event is 'Blue':
        graph.TKCanvas.itemconfig(circle, fill="Blue")
    elif event is 'Red':
        graph.TKCanvas.itemconfig(circle, fill="Red")
    elif event is 'Move':
        graph.MoveFigure(point, 10, 10)
        graph.MoveFigure(circle, 10, 10)
        graph.MoveFigure(oval, 10, 10)
        graph.MoveFigure(rectangle, 10, 10)

Keypad Touchscreen Entry - Input Element Update

import PySimpleGUI as sg
# Demonstrates a number of PySimpleGUI features including:
#   Default element size
#   auto_size_buttons
#   Button
#   Dictionary return values
#   Update of elements in window (Text, Input)
#   do_not_clear of Input elements

layout = [[sg.Text('Enter Your Passcode')],
          [sg.Input(size=(10, 1), do_not_clear=True,
                    justification='right', key='input')],
          [sg.Button('1'), sg.Button('2'), sg.Button('3')],
          [sg.Button('4'), sg.Button('5'), sg.Button('6')],
          [sg.Button('7'), sg.Button('8'), sg.Button('9')],
          [sg.Button('Submit'), sg.Button('0'), sg.Button('Clear')],
          [sg.Text('', size=(15, 1), font=('Helvetica', 18),
                   text_color='red', key='out')],

window = sg.Window('Keypad', layout, default_button_element_size=(
    5, 2), auto_size_buttons=False, grab_anywhere=False)

# Loop forever reading the window's values, updating the Input field
keys_entered = ''
while True:
    event, values = window.Read()  # read the window
    if event is None:  # if the X button clicked, just exit
    if event == 'Clear':  # clear keys if clear button
        keys_entered = ''
    elif event in '1234567890':
        keys_entered = values['input']  # get what's been entered so far
        keys_entered += event  # add the new digit
    elif event == 'Submit':
        keys_entered = values['input']
        window.Element('out').Update(keys_entered)  # output the final string

    # change the window to reflect current key string

<iframe height="800px" width="100%" src="https://repl.it/@PySimpleGUI/Cookbook-Keypad-Touchscreen-Entry?lite=true" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" sandbox="allow-forms allow-pointer-lock allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-modals"></iframe>

Animated Matplotlib Graph

Use the Canvas Element to create an animated graph. The code is a bit tricky to follow, but if you know Matplotlib then this recipe shouldn't be too difficult to copy and modify.


from tkinter import *
from random import randint
import PySimpleGUI as sg
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg, FigureCanvasAgg
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
import matplotlib.backends.tkagg as tkagg
import tkinter as Tk

fig = Figure()

ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.set_xlabel("X axis")
ax.set_ylabel("Y axis")

layout = [[sg.Text('Animated Matplotlib', size=(40, 1), justification='center', font='Helvetica 20')],
          [sg.Canvas(size=(640, 480), key='canvas')],
          [sg.Button('Exit', size=(10, 2), pad=((280, 0), 3), font='Helvetica 14')]]

# create the window and show it without the plot

window = sg.Window(
    'Demo Application - Embedding Matplotlib In PySimpleGUI', layout)
window.Finalize()  # needed to access the canvas element prior to reading the window

canvas_elem = window.Element('canvas')

graph = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, master=canvas_elem.TKCanvas)
canvas = canvas_elem.TKCanvas

dpts = [randint(0, 10) for x in range(10000)]
# Our event loop
for i in range(len(dpts)):
    event, values = window.Read(timeout=20)
    if event == 'Exit' or event is None:


    ax.plot(range(20), dpts[i:i + 20], color='purple')
    figure_x, figure_y, figure_w, figure_h = fig.bbox.bounds
    figure_w, figure_h = int(figure_w), int(figure_h)
    photo = Tk.PhotoImage(master=canvas, width=figure_w, height=figure_h)

    canvas.create_image(640 / 2, 480 / 2, image=photo)

    figure_canvas_agg = FigureCanvasAgg(fig)

    tkagg.blit(photo, figure_canvas_agg.get_renderer()._renderer, colormode=2)

Tight Layout with Button States

import PySimpleGUI as sg
    Demonstrates using a "tight" layout with a Dark theme.
    Shows how button states can be controlled by a user application.  The program manages the disabled/enabled
    states for buttons and changes the text color to show greyed-out (disabled) buttons

sg.SetOptions(element_padding=(0, 0))

layout = [[sg.T('User:', pad=((3, 0), 0)), sg.OptionMenu(values=('User 1', 'User 2'), size=(20, 1)), sg.T('0', size=(8, 1))],
          [sg.T('Customer:', pad=((3, 0), 0)), sg.OptionMenu(
              values=('Customer 1', 'Customer 2'), size=(20, 1)), sg.T('1', size=(8, 1))],
          [sg.T('Notes:', pad=((3, 0), 0)), sg.In(size=(44, 1),
                                                  background_color='white', text_color='black')],
          [sg.Button('Start', button_color=('white', 'black'), key='Start'),
           sg.Button('Stop', button_color=('white', 'black'), key='Stop'),
           sg.Button('Reset', button_color=(
               'white', 'firebrick3'), key='Reset'),
           sg.Button('Submit', button_color=('white', 'springgreen4'), key='Submit')]

window = sg.Window("Time Tracker", layout, default_element_size=(12, 1), text_justification='r', auto_size_text=False, auto_size_buttons=False,
                   default_button_element_size=(12, 1))
recording = have_data = False
while True:
    event, values = window.Read()
    if event is None:
    if event is 'Start':
        recording = True
    elif event is 'Stop' and recording:
        recording = False
        have_data = True
    elif event is 'Reset':
        recording = False
        have_data = False
    elif event is 'Submit' and have_data:
        recording = False

Password Protection For Scripts

You get 2 scripts in one.
Use the upper half to generate your hash code. Then paste it into the code in the lower half. Copy and paste lower 1/2 into your code to get password protection for your script without putting the password into your source code.

import PySimpleGUI as sg
import hashlib

         Create a secure login for your scripts without having to include your password    in the program.  Create an SHA1 hash code for your password using the GUI. Paste into variable in final program
         1. Choose a password
         2. Generate a hash code for your chosen password by running program and entering 'gui' as the password
         3. Type password into the GUI
         4. Copy and paste hash code Window GUI into variable named login_password_hash
         5. Run program again and test your login!

# Use this GUI to get your password's hash code

def HashGeneratorGUI():
    layout = [[sg.T('Password Hash Generator', size=(30, 1), font='Any 15')],
              [sg.T('Password'), sg.In(key='password')],
              [sg.T('SHA Hash'), sg.In('', size=(40, 1), key='hash')],

    window = sg.Window('SHA Generator', layout, auto_size_text=False, default_element_size=(10, 1),
                       text_justification='r', return_keyboard_events=True, grab_anywhere=False)

    while True:
        event, values = window.Read()
        if event is None:

        password = values['password']
            password_utf = password.encode('utf-8')
            sha1hash = hashlib.sha1()
            password_hash = sha1hash.hexdigest()

    # ----------------------------- Paste this code into your program / script -----------------------------
    # determine if a password matches the secret password by comparing SHA1 hash codes

def PasswordMatches(password, hash):
    password_utf = password.encode('utf-8')
    sha1hash = hashlib.sha1()
    password_hash = sha1hash.hexdigest()
    if password_hash == hash:
        return True
        return False

login_password_hash = '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8'
password = sg.PopupGetText('Password', password_char='*')
if password == 'gui':                # Remove when pasting into your program
    HashGeneratorGUI()               # Remove when pasting into your program
    exit(69)                         # Remove when pasting into your program
if PasswordMatches(password, login_password_hash):
    print('Login SUCCESSFUL')
    print('Login FAILED!!')

Desktop Floating Toolbar

import PySimpleGUI as sg
import subprocess
import os
import sys
Demo_Toolbar - A floating toolbar with quick launcher    
One cool PySimpleGUI demo. Shows borderless windows, grab_anywhere, tight button layout
You can setup a specific program to launch when a button is clicked, 
or use the Combobox to select a .py file found in the root folder, and run that file. 

ROOT_PATH = './'

def Launcher():
    def print(line):


    namesonly = [f for f in os.listdir(ROOT_PATH) if f.endswith('.py')]

    sg.SetOptions(element_padding=(0, 0), button_element_size=(
        12, 1), auto_size_buttons=False)
    layout = [[sg.Combo(values=namesonly, size=(35, 30), key='demofile'),
               sg.Button('Run', button_color=('white', '#00168B')),
               sg.Button('Program 1'),
               sg.Button('Program 2'),
               sg.Button('Program 3', button_color=('white', '#35008B')),
               sg.Button('EXIT', button_color=('white', 'firebrick3'))],
              [sg.T('', text_color='white', size=(50, 1), key='output')]]

    window = sg.Window('Floating Toolbar', layout,
                       no_titlebar=True, keep_on_top=True)

    # ---===--- Loop taking in user input (events) --- #
    while True:
        (event, value) = window.Read()
        if event == 'EXIT' or event is None:
            break  # exit button clicked
        if event == 'Program 1':
            print('Run your program 1 here!')
        elif event == 'Program 2':
            print('Run your program 2 here!')
        elif event == 'Run':
            file = value['demofile']
            print('Launching %s' % file)
                'python', os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, file))

def ExecuteCommandSubprocess(command, *args, wait=False):
        if sys.platwindow == 'linux':
            arg_string = ''
            for arg in args:
                arg_string += ' ' + str(arg)
            sp = subprocess.Popen(
                ['python3' + arg_string, ], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
            sp = subprocess.Popen([command, list(
                args)], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

        if wait:
            out, err = sp.communicate()
            if out:
            if err:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Desktop Floating Widget - Timer

import time
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    import PySimpleGUI as sg
    import PySimpleGUI27 as sg

 Timer Desktop Widget Creates a floating timer that is always on top of other windows You move it by grabbing anywhere on the window Good example of how to do a non-blocking, polling program using SimpleGUI Can be used to poll hardware when running on a Pi

 While the timer ticks are being generated by PySimpleGUI's "timeout" mechanism, the actual value
  of the timer that is displayed comes from the system timer, time.time().  This guarantees an
  accurate time value is displayed regardless of the accuracy of the PySimpleGUI timer tick. If
  this design were not used, then the time value displayed would slowly drift by the amount of time
  it takes to execute the PySimpleGUI read and update calls (not good!)     

 NOTE - you will get a warning message printed when you exit using exit button.
 It will look something like: invalid command name \"1616802625480StopMove\"

# ----------------  Create Form  ----------------
sg.SetOptions(element_padding=(0, 0))

layout = [[sg.Text('')],
          [sg.Text('', size=(8, 2), font=('Helvetica', 20),
                   justification='center', key='text')],
          [sg.Button('Pause', key='button', button_color=('white', '#001480')),
           sg.Button('Reset', button_color=('white', '#007339'), key='Reset'),
           sg.Exit(button_color=('white', 'firebrick4'), key='Exit')]]

window = sg.Window('Running Timer', layout, no_titlebar=True,
                   auto_size_buttons=False, keep_on_top=True, grab_anywhere=True)

# ----------------  main loop  ----------------
current_time = 0
paused = False
start_time = int(round(time.time() * 100))
while (True):
    # --------- Read and update window --------
    if not paused:
        event, values = window.Read(timeout=10)
        current_time = int(round(time.time() * 100)) - start_time
        event, values = window.Read()
    if event == 'button':
        event = window.Element(event).GetText()
    # --------- Do Button Operations --------
    if event is None or event == 'Exit':        # ALWAYS give a way out of program
    if event is 'Reset':
        start_time = int(round(time.time() * 100))
        current_time = 0
        paused_time = start_time
    elif event == 'Pause':
        paused = True
        paused_time = int(round(time.time() * 100))
        element = window.Element('button')
    elif event == 'Run':
        paused = False
        start_time = start_time + int(round(time.time() * 100)) - paused_time
        element = window.Element('button')

    # --------- Display timer in window --------
    window.Element('text').Update('{:02d}:{:02d}.{:02d}'.format((current_time // 100) // 60,
                                                                (current_time //
                                                                 100) % 60,
                                                                current_time % 100))

Desktop Floating Widget - CPU Utilization

import PySimpleGUI as sg
import psutil

# ----------------  Create Window  ----------------
layout = [[sg.Text('')],
          [sg.Text('', size=(8, 2), font=('Helvetica', 20),
                   justification='center', key='text')],
          [sg.Exit(button_color=('white', 'firebrick4'), pad=((15, 0), 0)),
           sg.Spin([x + 1 for x in range(10)], 1, key='spin')]]

window = sg.Window('Running Timer', layout, no_titlebar=True, auto_size_buttons=False, keep_on_top=True,

# ----------------  main loop  ----------------
while (True):
    # --------- Read and update window --------
    event, values = window.Read(timeout=0)

    # --------- Do Button Operations --------
    if event is None or event == 'Exit':
        interval = int(values['spin'])
        interval = 1

    cpu_percent = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=interval)

    # --------- Display timer in window --------

    window.Element('text').Update(f'CPU {cpu_percent:02.0f}%')

# Broke out of main loop. Close the window.


Menus are nothing more than buttons that live in a menu-bar. When you click on a menu item, you get back a "button" with that menu item's text, just as you would had that text been on a button.
Menu's are defined separately from the GUI window. To add one to your window, simply insert sg.Menu(menu_layout). The menu definition is a list of menu choices and submenus. They are a list of lists. Copy the Recipe and play with it. You'll eventually get when you're looking for.
If you double click the dashed line at the top of the list of choices, that menu will tear off and become a floating toolbar. How cool! To enable this feature, set the parameter tearoff=True in your call to sg.Menu()

import PySimpleGUI as sg

sg.SetOptions(element_padding=(0, 0))

# ------ Menu Definition ------ #
menu_def = [['File', ['Open', 'Save', 'Exit']],
            ['Edit', ['Paste', ['Special', 'Normal', ], 'Undo'], ],
            ['Help', 'About...'], ]

# ------ GUI Defintion ------ #
layout = [
    [sg.Menu(menu_def, )],
    [sg.Output(size=(60, 20))]

window = sg.Window("Windows-like program", layout, default_element_size=(12, 1), auto_size_text=False, auto_size_buttons=False,
                   default_button_element_size=(12, 1))

# ------ Loop & Process button menu choices ------ #
while True:
    event, values = window.Read()
    if event == None or event == 'Exit':
    print('Button = ', event)
    # ------ Process menu choices ------ #
    if event == 'About...':
        sg.Popup('About this program', 'Version 1.0', 'PySimpleGUI rocks...')
    elif event == 'Open':
        filename = sg.PopupGetFile('file to open', no_window=True)

Graphing with Graph Element

Use the Graph Element to draw points, lines, circles, rectangles using your coordinate systems rather than the underlying graphics coordinates.
In this example we're defining our graph to be from -100, -100 to +100,+100. That means that zero is in the middle of the drawing. You define this graph description in your call to Graph.

import math
import PySimpleGUI as sg

layout = [[sg.Graph(canvas_size=(400, 400), graph_bottom_left=(-105, -105), graph_top_right=(
    105, 105), background_color='white', key='graph', tooltip='This is a cool graph!')], ]

window = sg.Window('Graph of Sine Function', layout,
graph = window.Element('graph')

# Draw axis
graph.DrawLine((-100, 0), (100, 0))
graph.DrawLine((0, -100), (0, 100))

for x in range(-100, 101, 20):
    graph.DrawLine((x, -3), (x, 3))
    if x != 0:
        graph.DrawText(x, (x, -10), color='green')

for y in range(-100, 101, 20):
    graph.DrawLine((-3, y), (3, y))
    if y != 0:
        graph.DrawText(y, (-10, y), color='blue')

# Draw Graph
for x in range(-100, 100):
    y = math.sin(x/20)*50
    graph.DrawCircle((x, y), 1, line_color='red', fill_color='red')

event, values = window.Read()


import PySimpleGUI as sg

tab1_layout = [[sg.T('This is inside tab 1')]]

tab2_layout = [[sg.T('This is inside tab 2')],

layout = [[sg.TabGroup([[sg.Tab('Tab 1', tab1_layout, tooltip='tip'), sg.Tab('Tab 2', tab2_layout)]], tooltip='TIP2')],

window = sg.Window('My window with tabs', layout, default_element_size=(12, 1))

while True:
    event, values = window.Read()
    print(event, values)
    if event is None:           # always,  always give a way out!
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  • HTML 5 HTML5概述 因特網上的信息是以網頁的形式展示給用戶的陕靠,因此網頁是網絡信息傳遞的載體迂尝。網頁文件是用...
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