The Quantitative Reasoning subtest assesses yourability to use numerical skills to solve problems. It assumes familiarity withnumbers to the standard of a good pass at GCSE. However items are less to dowith numerical facility and more to do with problem solving.
Why Quantitative Reasoning?
Doctors and dentists are constantly required toreview data and apply it to their own practice. On a practical level drugcalculations based on patient weight, age and other factors have to be correct.At a more advanced level, clinical research requires an ability to interpret,critique and apply results presented in the form of complex statistics.Universities considering applicants need to know they have the aptitude to copein these situations.
Quantitative Reasoning Items
You will be presented with 36 items associated withtables, charts, and/or graphs.You willhave 24 minutes to answer the items in this subtest.
You are required to solve problems by extractingrelevant information from tables and other numerical presentations. For eachitem, you may be presented with four items that relate to that table, chart orgraph. For each item, there are five answer options to choose from. Your taskis to choose the best option.
A simple on-screen calculator is available for usein this section. The calculator is integrated into the practice tests and westrongly recommend that candidates familiarise themselves with using it.There are slight differences between the waythe calculator works in the practice test environment and the live test.