8:16? ? 到了黃昏燕耿,有人帶著許多鬼附的到祂跟前它抱,祂用一句話趕出那些靈份名,并且治好了一切患病的人婚肆。
? ? And when evening fell, they brought to Him many who were demon possessed, and He cast out the spirits with a word, and all those who were ill He healed,
In the millennium, there will be to the uttermost the power to cast out demons and heal illnesses. Hence, all the demon-possessed and all the sick will be healed. The prophecies of Isaiah testify of this (Isa. 35:5-6). That will be a real restoration. The casting out of demons and the healing of the sick in this age are just a foretaste of the extensive power of the coming age. In verse 16, after the Lord had healed Peter’s mother-in-law, when evening had come, He healed many who were demon-possessed and all who were ill. This indicates that after Christ comes back and the Jews are saved, the millennium will begin. During that period of time, all sicknesses will be healed. Hence, the signs recorded in verses 2 through 17 have a dispensational significance.