The most glaring weakness of utilitarianism, many argue, is that is fails yo respect individual rights. By caring only about the sum of satisfactions, it can run roughshod over individual people. For the utilitarians, individuals matter, but only in the sense that each person's preferences should be counted along with everyone else's.
Is morality a matter of counting lives and weighing costs and benefits. Or are certain moral duties and human rights are so fundamental that they rise above such calculation.
what is freedom叭首?
To act freely is not to choose the best means to a given end; it is to choose the end itself, for its own sake.
the trouble with maximizing happiness:
Basing morality on interests and preferences destroys its dignity. It doesn't teach us how to distinguish right from wrong, but "only to become better at calculation."
想到do you think is it worthwhile to sacrifice the benefits of today’ generation to the next generation?