Sex - The Truth About It!
Sex. Everyonewants it. Hollywood romanticizes it. But the reality is often much morecomplicated and much less glamorous than its depiction on the big screen.
Althoughmost porn flicks will lead you to believe that a man’s erect penis is about afoot long, the actual average length of a man’s erect is 5-7 inches.
Thatbeing said, 85% of women are happy with their partner’s penis size, comparedwith only 55% of men who are satisfied with their own penis size.
Thetypical man thinks about sex once every 42 minutes and has about 11 erectionsper day. The typical woman thinks about sex once every 77 minutes.
Men andwomen lose their virginity at about roughly at the same age, with the KinseyInstitute estimating that the average of first intercourse for guys is 16.9 andgirls 17.4.
Shockingly,only 75% of men always reach orgasm while making love whereas a mere 29% ofwomen report reaching orgasm through penetrative sex.
Outsideof the bedroom, the most common place for adults in the US to have sex is thecar.
One infour men switches the light off during sex and 70% of men refuse sex duringtheir girlfriend’s period.
Althoughthe frequency of sex varies dramatically from couple to couple, almost 80% ofmarried couples have sex a few times a month or more.
32%report having sex two to three times per week, 47% report having sex a fewtimes per month.
Finally,for those who think they haven’t hooked up with enough people; according to asurvey of adults aged 20 to 59, women have an average of four sex partnersduring their lifetime; men have an average of seven.