1. 這是個什么詞洛巢?
英英釋義:something that is slightly different from the usual form of something
例句:Meituan, Pinduoduo, and similar products are simply a number of variants of the same idea.
2. 為什么選這個詞?
“variant”是可數(shù)名詞禾怠,意思是“變體、變種”。雖然這個詞最常出現(xiàn)在科學(xué)類文章中崖堤,很多其他主題的文章中也可以碰到。當(dāng)我們想表示一個事物和另一個事物本質(zhì)上是一樣的耐床,但略有差異密幔,就可以說 A is a variant of B。我們還可以在給別人介紹一個比較新的事物或概念時使用 variant撩轰,便于對方聯(lián)想和理解胯甩。variant 后面接介詞 of 或 on,意思一樣堪嫂。這個詞可以體現(xiàn)使用者對英文詞匯的掌握程度偎箫,在口語和寫作中都可以使用。我們來看幾個例子皆串。
color 是 colour 的一種變體淹办,我們就可以說:
"Color" is a variant of "colour".
"Color" is a spelling variant of "colour".
微軟有 Word 文字處理器,Apple 有 Pages愚战,它們都是文字處理器娇唯,就可以說:
Pages, an app by Apple, is a variant of/on Word, a widely used word processor by Microsoft.
Meituan, Pinduoduo, and similar products are simply a number of variants of the same idea.
一些撲克游戲大致規(guī)則差不多塔插,但還是會有些細(xì)微差別。比如同樣是“升級”游戲拓哟,有的人會將 2 作為常主想许,有的人不把 2 作為常主,但除此之外并沒有太大的差別断序,我們就可以說:
This card game is just a variant on Shengji.
Yet he was part of something much bigger. The names and slogans scrawled on his weapons were familiar to extreme white nationalists all around the world—but hardly anyone else. His ranting internet manifesto, “The Great Replacement”, repeated a staple far-right conspiracy theory: that non-white and Muslim immigrants in Western countries are invaders, ushered in by scheming elites to replace ethnic-European populations. Variants of that once-fringe idea are now common, not just in social-media posts by anonymous wackos but in the speeches of elected politicians from Hungary to Iowa.
最后一句中的 once-fringe 意思是“一度非主流的、曾經(jīng)邊緣化的”违诗。簡單來說漱凝,variants of that once-fringe idea 就可以理解成是 similar ideas。
3. 怎樣學(xué)會使用這個詞诸迟?
There are many colas on the market, all variants on the original drink.
There are many colas on the market, all variants of the original Coca Cola drink
(參考翻譯:There are many colas on the market, all variants on the original drink. 或 There are many colas on the market, all variants of the original Coca Cola drink. )
例子: 商業(yè)
場景 :In late December, in an article that went viral, the website took aim at Quanjian, a variant on illegal pyramid scheme, which it said had been taking in billions of yuan from annual sales. It had investments in football and equestrian clubs, cosmetics, banking, insurance and hotels.