1. who's kicking off?誰在開球?
2. yes, I suppose so指孤,我想是的,我認為是這樣
3. you can't miss it,你不會錯過的
4.? any messengers for me?有我的留言嗎鄙漏?
5. don't be so modest,別那么謙虛
6. don't give me that棺蛛,別跟我瞎扯
7. he is a smart boy怔蚌,他是個聰明的孩子
8. he is just a child,他只是個孩子芭陨蕖桦踊!
9. I can't follow you,我不懂你說的终畅,我跟不上你
10. I felt shot off ill籍胯,我覺得有點不舒服
11. I have a good idea,我有個好主意
12. it is growing cool离福,天漸漸冷了
13.it seems all right杖狼,看起來不錯
14.it 's going too far, 太過分了
15.may I use your pen?我可以用一下你的鋼筆嗎妖爷?
16.she had a bad cold蝶涩,她患上了重感冒
17.that's a good idea,好主意
18.the answer is zero,答案是零子寓,白忙了
19. what does she like?她喜歡什么暗挑?
20. as soon as possible,盡快斜友,越快越好
21. he can hardly speak炸裆,他幾乎說不出話來
22. he always talks big,他總是吹牛
23.? he won an election鲜屏,他擁有自己的選舉
24. I am a football fan烹看,我是個足球迷
25. if only I could fry,要是我能飛就好了
26. I will be right there洛史,我馬上就來
27. I will see you at six惯殊,我六點見你
28. is it true or false,這是真的也殖,還是假的土思?
29. just read it for me,給我讀一下
30. knowledge is power忆嗜,知識就是力量