l To be grateful everyday, to write down about what I'm grateful for that day specifically? and also in my life generally.Record the ideas simple every day even on miserable days. It will really change my the way i feel about human life,partly 'cause it gives me the drive to look through the day for little moments that give me a break from the dread.Then I can not only KNOW what i m grateful for, but FEEL what i can be grateful for.For instance, this day i can write down the gratitude to internet since it brings me the videos of vlogbrothers from youtube, which tells me to switch for a new perspective into my life.
In miserable times, it could have been better 'cause there were also glittering pieces but i paid NO attention to them, just focusing on what i was yelling for, making things worse.
For spring, for safety, for water and for the health of my family, but also to other people for their generosity.For they love and support held me together and in some ways still holds me together.
When I am feeling grateful, I also know I am not alone, that from friends and family, even those who are far away,even those who i will never see again is still with me,just as my love is still with them, and thats how i know i can make it through one day at a time,as i stay lookouts for what im grateful for.