Yoūth is not ? tīme of līfe; it is ? stāte of mīnd; it is not ? matte?r of rōs?y??chēeks, red lips and supple knēes; it is ? matte?r of t?he? will, ? qu?lity? of t?he? imaginātio?n, ? vigo?r of t?he? ?mōtio?ns; it is t?he? freshn?ss of t?he? dēep springs of līfe.
Yoūth mēans ? tempe?r?ment?l pr?domin?nce of c?ura?ge ōve?r timidity?, of t?he? app?tīte for ?dvent?re ōve?r t?he? l?ve of ēas?e. T?his ofte?n ?xists in ? man of 60 more t?han ? boy? of 20. Nōbody? grōws ōld mērely? b? ? numbe?r of ye?ars. Wē grōw ōld b? d?s?e?rting òur īdē?ls.
Ye?ars māy wrinkle t?he? skin, but t? give up ?nthūs?ias?m wrinkles t?he? sōul. W?rry?, fēar, self-distrust bōws t?he? heàrt and t?rns t?he? spirit back t? dust.
Whet?he?r 60 or 16, t?hère is in eve?ry??hūm?n bēing’s heàrt t?he? lūre of w?nde?rs, t?he? unfāiling app?tīte for what’s next and t?he? joy? of t?he? gāme of living. In t?he? cente?r of yōur heàrt and m? heàrt, t?hère is ? wīrel?ss stātio?n; sō long as? it r?cēives messa?ges of bēaūty?, hōpe, c?ura?ge and pòwe?r from man and from t?he? infinite, sō long as? yoū àre y?ung.
When yōur āeri?ls àre dòwn, and yōur spirit is c?ve?red wit?h snōws of cy?nicis?m and t?he? īce of pessimis?m, t?hen you’ve grōwn ōld, ēve?n at 20; but as? long as? yōur āeri?ls àre up, t? catch wāves of optimis?m, t?hère’s hōpe yoū māy dīe y?ung at 80.
?第二篇: Three Days to See?假如給我三天光明
Thrēe Dāys t? Sēe
?ll of us have rēad thrilling stories in which t?he? hērō had only? ? limit?d and specified tīme t? līve. S?metīmes? it was as? long as? ? ye?ar, s?metīmes? as? short as? 24 hòurs. But ?lwāys? wē we?re inte?r?st?d in disc?ve?ring just hòw t?he? doomed hērō chōse t? spend his làst days or his làst hòurs. I spēak, of cōurse, of frēe men wh? have ? choice, not co?ndemned crimin?ls wh?se sphēre of activities is strictly? delimit?d.
Such stories set us thinking, w?nde?ring what wē shoūld d? unde?r simil?r ci?rc?mst?nces. What ?vents, what ?xpērie?nces, what ?ssōciātio?ns shoūld wē cròwd int? t?hōs?e làst hòurs as? mort?l bēings, what r?grets?
S?metīmes? I have thōught it woūld bē ?n exce?lle?nt rūle t? līve ēach dāy as? if wē shoūld dīe to?morrōw. Such ?n attitūde woūld emph?sīze shàrply? t?he? valūes of līfe. Wē shoūld līve ēach dāy wit?h gentlen?ss, vigo?r and ? kēenn?ss of ?pprēciātio?n which àre ofte?n lost when tīme stretches b?fore us in t?he? const?nt pano?ràm??of more dāys and m?nths and ye?ars t? c?me. T?hère àre t?hōs?e, of cōurse, wh? woūld ?dopt t?he? Epicūrean mottō?of “ēat, drink, and bē merry?”. But mōst pēople woūld bē chāste?ned b? t?he? ce?rt?inty? of impending dèath.
In stōries t?he? doomed hērō is ūs?ū?lly? sāved at t?he? làst minite b? s?me strōke of fort?ne, but ?lmōst ?lwāys? his sense of valūes is chānged. Hē b?c?mes more ?pprēci?tive of t?he? mēaning of līfe and its pe?rm?ne?nt spiritū?l valūes. It has ofte?n bēen nōt?d t?hat t?hōs?e wh? līve, or have lived, in t?he? shadōw of dèath bring ? mellōw swēetn?ss t? eve?ry??thing t?hèy d?.
Mōst of us, hòweve?r, tāke līfe for grànt?d. Wē knōw t?hat ?ne dāy wē must dīe, but ūs?ū?lly? wē pict?re t?hat dāy as? fàr in t?he? fūt?re. When wē àre in buoy??nt hèalth, dèath is ?ll but unimagināble. Wē seldo?m think of it. T?he? days stretch òut in ?n endl?ss vist?. Sō wē gō ?bòut òur petty? tàsks, hàrdly? ?wāre of òur listl?ss attitūde to?w?rd līfe.
T?he? sāme leth?rgy?, I am ?frāid, chara?cte?rīzes t?he? ūs?e of ?ll òur fac?lties and senses. Only? t?he? dèaf ?pprēciāte hēaring, only? t?he? blīnd rē?līze t?he? manifōld blessings t?hat līe in sīght. Pàrticūl?rly? d?es t?his obs?e?rvātio?n ?ppl? t? t?hōs?e wh? have lost sīght and hēaring in adult līfe. But t?hōs?e wh? have neve?r suffe?red impāirment of sīght or hēaring seldo?m māke t?he? fūllest ūs?e of t?hēs?e blessed faculties. T?hèir e?es and ēars tāke in ?ll sīghts and sòunds hazily, wit?hòut conce?ntrātio?n and wit?h little ?pprēciātio?n. It is t?he? sāme ōld story of not bēing grātef?l for what wē have ?ntil wē l?s?e it, of not bēing conscio?us of hèalth ?ntil wē àre ill.
I have ofte?n thōught it woūld bē ? blessing if ēach hūm?n bēing we?re stricke?n blīnd and dèaf for ? few? days at s?me tīme dūring his e?arly? adult līfe. Dàrkness woūld māke him more ?pprēciātive of sīght; sīle?nce woūld tēach him t?he? joy?s of sòund.