During my master period, my English level has improved a lot, especially in academic writing, listening and speaking. What impressed me deeply is their management method and flow process utilised in practical work management, which is guided by the mature and famous methodology.
I quite appreciate My MBA supervisor John Marti. He taught and influenced me a lot. I like his lectures which provide the philosophy that is consistent with my experience and feelings for working these years. I keep in mind the philosophy he mentioned "simple is difficult",? "think outside the box".
My interest and strength are in mathematical algorithms development and hardware related software development e.g. upper computer software and embedded system development. I researched control theory during my college age. At that time, control theory research is quite theoretical, which cannot be applied directly in the practical scene. Currently, machine learning including deep learning can be applied in the practical application and scene. Generally, the application can be divided into several areas as follows:
1. Recommendation System;
2. Computer Vision;
3. Natural Language Processing;
4. Speech Recognition;
5. Knowledge Graph(combining symbolism and Connection-ism).
I remember the point mentioned in the book "PEAK: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise" is the skill levels that one person who worked in some area for 20 years are not necessarily higher than the person who just worked for 5 years. This is because when skill levels have achieved an acceptable extent and formed the automatic ability, it cannot be improved by more practices even is reduced due to the reason of practices without a purpose. Hence, the person who used the "one-year"? work experience as "ten years" would be obsoleted. Because they do not develop in a deeper direction. For software development, the repeat of business logic development is like the practice without a purpose.
Although software development contains many areas, the philosophy can be transferred between each area. For example, the essence of web back-end development is architecture, design pattern, hierarchical thinking e.g. MVC, MVP, MVVM, the philosophy also can be used in low -level system programming.