Lesson 66 Sweet as honey!
In 1963 a Lancaster bomber crashed onWallis Island, a remote place in the South Pacific, a long way west of Samoa.The plane wasn't too badly damaged, but over the years, the crash was forgottenand the wreck remained undisturbed. Then in 1989, twenty-six years after thecrash, the plane was accidentally rediscovered in an aerial survey of theisland. By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare andworth rescuing. The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved inparts back to France. Now a group of enthusiasts are going to have the planerestored. It has four Rolls-Royce Merlin engines, but the group will need tohave only three of them rebuilt. Imagine their surprise and delight when theybroke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet ashoney -- still in perfect condition. A colony of bees had turned the engineinto a hive and it was totally preserved in beeswax!
?n 1963 ? ?l??k?st? ?b?m? kr??t ?n ?w?l?s?a?l?nd, ? r??m??t ple?s ?n e? sa?θ p??s?f?k, ? l?? we? w?st ?v s??m???. e? ple?nw?znt tu? ?b?dli ?d?m??d, b?t ???v? e? j??z, e? kr?? w?z f??g?tn ?nd e? r?k r??me?nd??nd??st??bd. e?n ?n 1989, ?tw?nti-s?ks j??z ?ɑ?ft? e? kr??, e? ple?n w?z??ks??d?nt?li ?ri?d?s?k?v?d ?n ?n ?e?r??l ?s??ve? ?v ei ?a?l?nd. ba? e?s ta?m, ??l??k?st? ?b?m?r ?n ?ri?zn?bl k?n?d???n w?z re?r ?nd w??θ ?r?skju???. e? fr?n? ???θ?r?tizh?d e? ple?n ?p?k??d ?nd mu?vd ?n pɑ?ts b?k tu? ?frɑ?ns. na? ? gru?p ?v?n?θju?z??sts ɑ? ?g???? tu? h?v e? ple?n r?s?t??d. ?t h?z f?? r??lz-r??s ?m??l?n??n??nz, b?t e? gru?p w?l ni?d tu? h?v ???nli θri? ?v e?m ?ri??b?lt. ??m???n ee?s??pra?z ?nd d??la?t w?n ee? br??k ???p?n e? ?p?k?? ?ke?s?z ?nd fa?nd e?t e? f??θ??n??n w?z swi?t ?z ?h?ni -- st?l ?n ?p??f?kt k?n?d???n. ? ?k?l?ni ?v bi?z h?dt??nd ei ??n??n ??ntu? ? ha?v ?nd ?t w?z ?t??tli pr??z??vd ?n ?bi?zw?ks!
新詞:bomber 轟炸機;Samoa 薩摩亞群島省古;wreck 殘夯浮隙姿;undisturbed 未被打攪的榔组;rediscover 再發(fā)現(xiàn);condition 狀態(tài)绷雏,健康嵌言,條款,限制辣苏;rare 罕見的肝箱,特殊的,優(yōu)秀的稀蟋;package 包裝煌张;?enthusiast 狂熱者;delight 使高興退客;colony 殖民地骏融,群體链嘀;hive 蜂巢;totally 完全地档玻;preserve 保護(hù)怀泊;beeswax 蜂蠟
詞組:crash on 墜毀在某處;over the years 這些年來窃肠;by this time 到這時包个;
crush 和 crash 的區(qū)別。
crush 本義是“壓碎”冤留,Have a crush on sb. 比喻某人在自己心中的分量是沉甸甸的碧囊,也就是“迷深深地愛上某人”或“迷戀某人”,纤怒。
crash 本意是“粉碎”糯而,Have a crash on sb. 比喻某人在自己心中變得支離破碎,也就是“對某人完全失去信心”或“與某人徹底分手”泊窘。