twist one’s ankle: 扭傷腳踝
labourer:/'le?b?r?,ˋleb?r?/ n. [C ]someone whose work needs physical strength, for example building work
crumbly:something that is crumbly breaks easily into small pieces
slate:[U] a dark grey rock that can easily be split into flat thin pieces板巖殃姓,板石
tabloid: /'t?bl??d,ˋt?bl??d/ n. [C ]a newspaper that has small pages, a lot of photographs, and stories mainly about sex, famous people etc rather than serious news
wilderness: a large area of land that has never been developed or farmed
nettle:? /'netl,ˋn?t?/ n. [C ]a wild plant with rough leaves that sting you
thorn: n. 刺灵嫌;[植] 荊棘
enfold: /?n'f??ld,?nˋfold/ v. [T ]to cover or surround someone or something completely
line:a line of written words, for example in a poem or a document
hearthstone:/?hɑ?θ?st??n/ a stone that forms a hearth 爐石 hearth: [hɑrθ] n. 灶臺
hang back:猶豫讶凉;畏縮不前
woodcutter:someone whose job is to cut down trees in a forest
hood:〔外套上的〕風(fēng)帽错维,兜帽; riding hood 帶帽子的披肩
dwarf:n. 侏儒治筒,矮子
flaky:/'fle?ki,ˋflek?/ adj.tending to break into small thin pieces易碎裂成屑的并齐;易剝落的
stoop:to bend your body forward and down俯身,彎腰
good-sized:? adj. 相當大的游添,大型的系草;相當多的
tap: n. 水龍頭
primus:/'pra?m?s,ˋpra?m?s/ n. [C ]普里默斯爐〔尤用于野營時的便捷式煤油爐〕
paraffin:['p?r?f?n]n. 石蠟
bemuse: If something bemuses you, it puzzles or confuses you.
winding: ['wa?nd??] n. 繞通熄,纏;線圈
slack: hanging loosely, or not pulled tight
lo and behold:spoken used before mentioning something surprising that happened – used humorously 你瞧〔幽默用法〕
behold:? v. [T ] to see or to look at something – sometimes used humorously
just about: 幾乎找都;差不多
strip: [I,T] to take off your clothes or take off someone else’s clothes
roar:? [r?r] 1. [I always + adv/prep] if a vehicle roars somewhere, it moves very quickly and noisily. 2.If something roars, it makes a very loud noise.
loaf: [C] bread that is shaped and baked in one piece and can be cut into slices〔面包的〕一條
margarine: ['mɑrd??r?n] n. [U ] 人造黃油唇辨;人造奶油
delicacy:? ['d?l?k?si] [C] something good to eat that is expensive or rare珍饈,佳肴
upturned: adj. 朝上的能耻;向上翹的赏枚;翻過來的
plank: a long narrow piece of wooden board, used especially for making structures to walk on(厚)木板,板條
grime: /ɡra?m,gra?m/ n. [U ]a lot of dirt
finger-tip: 指尖
palm: /pɑ?m,pɑm/ n. [C ] 手掌晓猛,掌部
whitewash:n. 粉飾饿幅;白色涂料;石灰水
appall: [?'p?l]vt. 使膽寒戒职;使驚駭
trimly:[tr?mli]adv. 整齊地栗恩,整潔地
tuck-in:n. 盛宴? tuck in:If you tuck a child in bed or tuck them in, you make them comfortable by straightening the sheets and blankets and pushing the loose ends under the mattress.
perch onesef on:to sit on top of something or on the edge of something
round off:to bring to a satisfactory conclusion; complete, esp agreeably (尤指圓滿地)結(jié)束
at ease:安逸,自由自在洪燥;舒適 ill at ease:不舒服磕秤,不自在
An enormous oak tree stood overshadowing the cottage.
You can come through to the kitchen and help me make the tea.
She led the way along the tunnel into the kitchen.
Just hook the bucket on to the end of the rope and lower it down, but don't fall in yourself.
The Primus was roaring away with a powerful blue flame and already the water in the saucepan was beginning to bubble.
She cut two thin slices and then, from a plastic container, she took some margarine and spread it on the bread.
In her wisdom she seemed to be aware of the delicacy of the situation and she was taking great care not to say anything to embarrass her companion.
There was something very strange going on around here, surely.
Hansel and Gretel:格林童話《糖果屋》,講述的是韓塞爾和格雷特兄妹被繼母扔在大森林中捧韵,迷路的他們來到了女巫的糖果屋市咆,被抓并差點被吃掉,但憑借機智與勇氣纫版,兩人最終脫離魔掌的故事床绪。
Red Riding Hood: 格林童話《小紅帽》
The Seven Dwarfs:格林童話《七個小矮人》
The Three Bears:《三只小熊》