efficient scoring and ranking
- constructing a heap to pick out top K components
- Inexact top K document retrieval
- index elimination
considering documents containing terms whose idf exceeds a preset threshold
considering documents containing many(even all) terms - champion list
precompute r documents with the highest weights for each term.
r does not to be the same for every term.(rarer term, larger) - static quality scoring and ordering
global champion list, expansion two lists sorted by g(d) value - impact ordering
sorted by common ordering: document-at-a-time scoring
sorted by uncommon ordering: term-at-a-time scoring
ordered by a decreasing tf value,advantage:
1.stop after considering a prefix of posting list
2.consedering query terms in decreasing order of idf. - cluster pruning
pick ,compute nearest, cluster, computing cosine similarity from q to each leader, then the closest L and its follower
variation - b1,b2
components of an information retrieval system
- tiered indexes
motivation: A has fewer than K documents
solution: we set a tf threshold of 20 for tier 1 and 10 for tier 2, meaning that the tier 1 index only has postings entries with tf values exceeding 20, and the tier 2 index only has postings entries with tf values exceeding 10.
tiered indexes
designing parsing and scoring function
query parser - translate the user-specified keywords into a query with various operators
scoring function - manual configuration or machine-learned scoringputting it all together
a complete search system
results snippets: snippets of text accompanying each document in the results list for a query.
Vector space scoring and query operator interaction
Google: the semantics of a conjunctive query that only retrieves documents containing all or most query terms.
- Boolean retrieval
- wildcard queries
- phase queries