What I felt before?
? ? I have studied for hundreds of hours, and I can't give a simple answer!
? ? This has been a waste of my time.
????I can't put up with myself like this.??
What I will do ?
????I am going to get serious.I want to be my best.
? ? I will become a fluent speaker. I got strongly determined.
How should I achieve the goal?
? ? Stay focused on your goal, and daily continue to take action, continue to practice.
? ??Believe in your own Potential. Have a purpose. Stay motivated and focused.?
????Practice DAILY. Keep trying to improve.
Detail Steps:
????The goal should be to have English smoothlycome out of your mouth.
????Step one:
????Memorize and drill lots of commonly usedcore English patterns. Read basic example sentences out loud. Do this practice over and over again.
Step two:
Practice by copying a native speaker's wayof speaking and pronunciation. As much as possible become that person andcopy them.
Step three:
Actively perform output practice. Do Presentations, speeches, Conversations,acting and role-playing.
Repeat - Mimic - Copy - Shadow??
Over-and-Over you do output practice untilit feels natural.
Exercise your English speaking muscles
How to improve basic pronounciation:
Speak slowly and clearly – quicker
Faster: aya un?? More quickly: cha
1. Listen 2. Repeat 3. Shadow