這是我關(guān)于學(xué)習(xí)美國康奈爾大學(xué)MOOC課程《Environmental Education: Trans-disciplinary Approaches to Addressing Wicked Problems環(huán)境教育:跨領(lǐng)域方法解決復(fù)雜問題》翁脆,簡稱為GlobalEE的一些隨感記錄捡遍。
GlobalEE的每一小節(jié)有一個討論恒傻。比如Food systems/Food sovereignty 《食物系統(tǒng)與糧食主權(quán) 》要討論的問題就是In 2-3 sentences, what ways do people achieve food sovereignty and food security in cities in your country?在你的國家唧取,如何實現(xiàn)糧食主權(quán)和糧食安全漠另。
不過其中我個人比較感興趣的,是一個愛沙尼亞的學(xué)生Rea Raus的回答桨武。愛沙尼亞是一個東歐國家肋拔。百度得之屬海洋性氣候,受海洋影響明顯呀酸,春季涼爽少雨凉蜂,夏秋季溫暖濕潤,冬季寒冷多雪,冬季平均氣溫7℃窿吩,夏季平均氣溫16℃茎杂,年平均降水量500-700毫米。
其中引起廣泛認(rèn)同的是一位叫做Emily A. DeMoor, Ph.D.的回應(yīng)。雖然系統(tǒng)標(biāo)注她也是學(xué)生菜循,但是感覺來頭不小而且她的回復(fù)似乎激發(fā)起了下面很多同學(xué)的興奮翘地,所以以我渣渣的英文推測,似乎Emily A. DeMoor, Ph.D.也算是一個人物癌幕。她這個問題進(jìn)行了進(jìn)一步的推進(jìn),介紹了一個叫做Sustainable Berea的項目昧穿,www.sustainableberea.org/勺远,這個是網(wǎng)站,不過在某些國家打不開时鸵。
Sustainable Berea是一個非營利組織胶逢,目的是為了建立一個可持續(xù)的社區(qū)。其中的一個保持可持續(xù)的方式就是他們有一個種子庫饰潜,保存和記錄一些種子的信息初坠。
接著,一位叫做Kirstin Alana Baum的學(xué)生彭雾,從Emily A. DeMoor, Ph.D.分享的Sustainable Berea碟刺,想到了另外一個組織,分享了一個網(wǎng)站 http://www.seedsavers.org/
接著有一位叫Amy Gross的提到她在匹茲堡(美國賓西法尼亞州西南部城市者填,是美國的鋼鐵工業(yè)中心),曾經(jīng)有一個類似的項目做葵,但是只是關(guān)于西紅柿的占哟,可惜她沒有進(jìn)一步提供任何鏈接。
Miranda Shephard?則分享了一個英國的網(wǎng)站http://fifediet.co.uk/
其實我也沒太搞懂這個網(wǎng)站是干嘛的。里面有一個seed truck的項目榨乎,意思是種子搬運車怎燥?
從這個網(wǎng)站的LOGO可以看到一句有意思的話:think global,eat local.
4鸵荠、現(xiàn)在被濫用的一個詞“有機(jī)”冕茅,其實這個詞背后也是面臨很大挑戰(zhàn),大多數(shù)人認(rèn)為有機(jī)就是純天然無污染蛹找,沒有“黑心農(nóng)戶”濫用農(nóng)藥之類姨伤。有機(jī)農(nóng)業(yè)(Organic Agriculture)固然是指在生產(chǎn)中完全或基本不用人工合成的肥料、農(nóng)藥庸疾、生長調(diào)節(jié)劑和畜禽飼料添加劑乍楚,而采用有機(jī)肥滿足作物營養(yǎng)需求的種植業(yè),或采用有機(jī)飼料滿足畜禽營養(yǎng)需求的養(yǎng)殖業(yè)届慈。但是如果思考的角度再加上人口徒溪,再加上客觀上的自然資源(水,空氣金顿,土壤)臊泌,再加上實際上有機(jī)是一套認(rèn)證標(biāo)準(zhǔn)普通小農(nóng)根本無法承擔(dān)認(rèn)證。
In urban environment, in my country Estonia, it is more of a problem when You compare to situation in the rural areas, where people are still used to growing much of their own food. Yet, there are several networks and initiatives established to create direct contacts between farmers and citizens. For example, OTT is a network that has databases of farmers and people who organise the food distiribution in certain city parts etc. So You order your groceries directly from a farmer (on the Internet) and on agreed date the goods are either delivered in your doorstep or you can agree that You pick them up every certain day in from of the nearest supermarket. Also, in areas, where there a houses with gardens, people grow some food for themselves and have small pots of herbs etc. on their windowsills. More directs contact between the producer and the buyer is the key. Shorter supply chains enable more independence. One more detail, not specifically asked in the assignment,but collecting local, old sort seeds is one particular task we should be involved in :) The explanation would be longer but in short, there is a heritage reason behind it, not only emotional, but linked to the deeper connection between the Land and People, living on that particular geographical spot.
I like your idea of a seed bank that would connect people more directly with the food they grow and eat and have a heritage rationale too.? I also think that shorter food chains between farmer and consumer would make the issue better.? However, in the US, we have these mega-food industrial complexes that have taken over much of the growing of our food (a lot of individual farmers just grow for these large industrial complexes now and sell to them).? These industrial complexes through their partners and distributors dictate to the large grocery stores such as Walmart or Target as what kinds of food, what form and at what prices.? (See an account of this by Wenonah Hauter, "Foodopoly")? So I think smaller and less developed countries are actually better off in some ways than highly industrialized and western countries like mine.
"Sustainable Berea," which is a community organization in Berea, Kentucky, U.S., has led the way in initiating several creative projects around food.? For example, they had a "seed library" (yes, I know it is a misnomer) throught which people could 'check out' seeds.? The information about the seeds that were taken was recorded.? The agreement was that we would plant the seeds (multiple varieties), keep data on how well they produced, and save seeds from the new plants.? Then we returned some of the new seeds back to the library to repay them.
Emily, that is a great project! I hope it can be maintained and help a lot of farmers.
In Europe, there are great discuccions going on about whether it is right to be able to patent seeds (ergo life), and a lot of people are fighting against thebig companies that want to patent their seeds (the last court decisions was on watermelons, I believe). Another problem is that there are legislations, which dictate the size and form of a fruit/vegetable to be able to sell it in supermarkets etc. So farmers stop growing a traditional, more diverse sorf of potato or cucumber and settle on the ones which have been slightly modified to grow more uniformely.
Emily! thank you for mentioning your seed library as it triggered a memory around?the non-profitSeedSavers Exchange(鏈接到外部網(wǎng)站谁帕。)which is part of the Driftless Region in which I live (but on the other side of the Mississippi River in Iowa). They offer an inspiring (and artisan) Heritage Farm, and the opportunity to purchase & share seeds, as well as workshops.?The organization grew out of a small local effort, the story can be heardhere(鏈接到外部網(wǎng)站。).?It is a beautiful story of how simple it can be to facilitate biodiversity.
The import & efficacy of seed banks is further illustrated bythis story(鏈接到外部網(wǎng)站冯袍。)about a clay vessel uncovered in Wisconsin on an archaeological dig, which held seeds that were 800 years old. The squash was regrown by students in Winnipeg, bringing back a squash that was thought to be extinct. Yay for seed banks?new & old!
Seedsavers exchange project is very interesting and great one. I really liked this. Today in this industrialized world every multi cooperation are ?gaining monopoly over seeds by having patent rights. This phenomenon has led our poor subsistence farmers to get access to seeds.
However, in my own country wave of globalization in terms of agriculture is yet to come. Farmers preserve their old seeds and they share among themselves harmoniously.
We used to have a similar program here in Pittsburgh, PA on a much smaller scale; ours was started by a local newspaper editor/gardening enthusiast and it focused solely on tomatoes. ?The program was interesting because the returned seeds would often yield new varieties of tomatoes.
Interesting to hear an Estonian perspective!
Hi Rea, I like the idea of collecting and then sharing seed is really interesting. Here's a lnk to a project that ran in Scotland called the Seed Truck which did exactly that, unfortunately as with many funding projects it was only funded for 3 years.
Can you share the web site on the establishment of the contact between farmers and citizens of the site碾牌,THX
Very interesting as in US cities we are reverting to these ways in the form of urban farming, farmer's markets (farmers bring their products into the city for sale), and household gardening. Likewise, it is becoming increasingly prevalent in rural areas to see households developing their own food products so as to lower feeding costs and to have access to fresh, organic food stuffs.
李麗瓊 記于2016年2月23日