1、打開Run-time Settings->General->Log窗口肛炮;
2止吐、勾上“Enable logging” checkbox;
3侨糟、選擇“Extended Log”碍扔,再根據需要勾選子級別,我一般會勾選前兩項秕重;
問題1:Action.c(933): Error -26377: No match found for the requested parameter "merchantPlanid". Check whether the requested boundaries exist in the response data. Also, if the data you want to save exceeds 256 bytes, use web_set_max_html_param_len to increase the parameter size
問題2:在Controller里運行腳本時二拐,報錯: Failed to send data by channels - post message failed.
原因:Controller->Diagnostics->Configuration...->Diagnostics Distribution里的"Uncheck "Enable the following diagnostics"選項沒有被選中。
原因:"Vuser"->"Parameter List"里庐扫,不再使用的參數仍然存在饭望,找到它,并刪除掉即可形庭。