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[News Brief: Financial Markets Drop, Israeli Elections : NPR](https://www.npr.org/2018/12/25/680021654/morning-news-brief)
特朗普一直鼓吹美股多么繁榮倦炒,President Trump usually takes a lot of pride in the stock market. ‘Take a lot of pride’ 表示對XXX很驕傲慰毅。在講到股市或是經濟問題時勤揩,soar這個詞就是表示飛速上升殖告〈迳’The stock market is hitting one all-time record after another. The stock market is soaring to record levels. The stock market has smashed one record after another.’ 特朗普的排比句用來兜售他所說的股市冰木。smash是表示‘碾壓沿量,打碎’浪慌。tout 有兜售,招徠的意思朴则∪ㄏ耍‘The market the president once touted is now headed for its worst December since the Great Depression’ 可惜現(xiàn)在已經是經濟大蕭條以來最差的一個12月份。market downturn來臨了, market slide 市場下滑乌妒。
那下滑的原因當然比較復雜汹想,可以歸結為很多原因(‘blame any number of culprits’): 市場總是很脆弱(volatile),高利率(higher interest rates),貿易問題(the trade dispute)撤蚊,英國脫歐(Brexit)古掏,大科技公司光環(huán)退卻(the gloss coming off some of the big tech companies). 不過最近幾天的下滑可能更多的因為白宮方面的問題(the turmoil and conflict in Washington)。有高層辭職侦啸,然后特朗普又跟美聯(lián)儲不對付 (Another attack by President Trump against the Federal Reserve).
特朗普發(fā)推特說美聯(lián)儲才是經濟下滑的原因槽唾,(the only problem with economy is the Federal Reserve.)專家也承認丧枪, 公司利潤(corporate earnings)消費水平( consumer spending),全球局勢( global economy and geopolitics),? 特朗普的言行等都會影響市場庞萍,不過美聯(lián)儲的政策也確實是一個大的因素拧烦。
特朗普有考慮過把美聯(lián)儲主席把辭了,不過這個很難講挂绰,因為一般專家認為(the way it’s been interpreted by legal scholars)屎篱,美聯(lián)儲主席被總統(tǒng)辭退是要有根據的,這個根據應該是因為違法問題或是非常不道德的行為葵蒂,而不應該因為在利率上達不成一致(presumably, that means breaking the law or some highly unethical act, not a disagreement over interest rates)交播。不過這條例(statute)也沒有機會檢驗過 (that statute’s never really been tested.)
另外前幾天有提到特朗普當局有和幾個大銀行頭頭聊天,然后發(fā)推特說銀行家都表示一切正常(nothing’s out of the ordinary), 銀行有很大的現(xiàn)金流來用來借貸(have plenty of liquidity for lending.)践付。不過這個事情比較搞笑秦士,因為他這樣發(fā)推特感覺很明顯是想把事情壓下來的意思,并且能不能借到錢本來就不是大家關注的永高,這樣反倒加劇市場恐慌.’But whether or not borrowers have enough access to credit from banks - that hasn’t been raised at all as a concern. So instead of, you know, addressing market fears and concerns, it just seemed to elevate them. ‘
關于特朗普對經濟下滑的反應隧土,他說美聯(lián)儲一點都不了解市場,完全不懂必要的貿易問題以及美元加強命爬,也不了解民主黨關于邊境修墻的問題 (They don’t have a feel for the market. They don’t understand necessary trade wars or strong dollars, or even Democrat shutdowns over the border.)
不過大家也認可經濟在特朗普手下確實還不錯曹傀,并且股市也并不能完全代表經濟,‘the stock market is a proxy for the economy, in reality, it isn’t the economy.’ 不過特朗普倒是把這兩個混在一塊 (conflated the two on a regular basis)饲宛,然后來強調401(美國養(yǎng)老金之類的東西), 兜售他的政績 (a central selling point for his presidency)皆愉。
現(xiàn)在白宮關門,不過特朗普還在白宮發(fā)推艇抠,說自己好孤單幕庐,在等民主黨回來重新在邊境安全問題上達成一致 (‘waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed border security’), 不過比較坑的是民主黨壓根就沒有在和他協(xié)商(that negotiations are not really happening.) 國會的人都回家去了家淤,這個政府關門沒有一點點進展异剥。民主黨也在吐槽說特朗普把國家搞得一團糟’President Trump is plunging the country into chaos‘。新聞主持人還調侃說特朗普應該別發(fā)推特了絮重,多和家人呆一塊冤寿。’My hope is that he spends quality time with his family and doesn’t tweet, but you never know青伤《搅’
老總統(tǒng)宣布大選要在四月份進行潮模,他要參加他的第四次連任選舉(be running for a fourth consecutive term)亮蛔,而且他并沒有強有力的對手痴施。如果成功的話擎厢,那這將幫助他(’it would pave the way for him doing XXXXX’)成為以色列最長連作的總統(tǒng)究流。不過這個選舉本來是計劃在19年的11月的,現(xiàn)在他提前了动遭。
提前的原因是因為現(xiàn)在他的政權不太穩(wěn)定芬探,并且有關于他腐敗的指控(‘he is a suspect in three separate corruption cases. ‘ ’he should face criminal charges‘),他希望通過大選來打個漂亮仗厘惦。
他希望司法部長推后宣布關于他的起訴(the attorney general will delay an announcement on an indictment). Indictment就是起訴書偷仿,經常用來說檢書或是政府來起訴誰。并且他很有信息能贏下這場大選宵蕉,這樣的話就可以勸阻司法部長來提交這個起訴書(dissuade the attorney general from issuing an indictment at all)酝静。dissuade就是勸阻的意思,dissuade sb from doing sth. 勸阻某人羡玛,讓他不要做啥事别智。
最新的民調(the newest opinion poll out)顯示他確實會大勝,poll就是民意調查稼稿,投票選舉的意思薄榛。而民調中的亞軍(runner-up)則和他的支持率差得很遠。老總統(tǒng)說自己和各個大國都非常關系密切让歼,he’s been hinting of warming ties with XXX. 他提示與XXX關系密切敞恋。hint是提示的意思。比如忘記密碼了之后的那個提示就是這個詞谋右。
‘Markets go up and down. At a certain point, they reach a bottom, and people start buying in. But I have no idea whether we’re anywhere near that.’
Culprit 罪犯硬猫,肇事者。不過更常見的意思是‘不利的因素’倚评,比如新聞中提到的‘blame any number of culprits’浦徊。
Either a metaphor or an analogy 無論是隱喻還是類比??
Turmoil? 混亂,焦慮天梧; turmoil and conflict
gloss 光彩盔性,光環(huán)