Lesson 6 Percy Buttons
I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door. He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. In return for this, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs. I gave him a meal. He ate the food and drank the beer. Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away. Later a neighbor told me about him. Everybody knows him. His name is Percy Buttons. He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer.
/a?/ /h?v/ /??st/ /mu?vd/ /tu?/ /?/ /ha?s/ /?n/ /br??/ /stri?t/. /?j?st?de?/ /?/ /?b?g?/ /n?kt/ /?t/ /ma?/ /d??/. /hi?/ /ɑ?skt/ /mi?/ /f??r/ /?/ /mi?l/ /?nd/ /?/ /glɑ?s/ /?v/ /b??/. /?n/ /r??t??n/ /f??/ /e?s/, /e?/ /?b?g?/ /st?d/ /?n/ /h?z/ /h?d/ /?nd/ /s??/ /s??z/. /a?/ /ge?v/ /h?m/ /?/ /mi?l/. /hi?/ /?t/ /e?/ /fu?d/ /?nd/ /dr??k/ /e?/ /b??/. /e?n/ /hi?/ /p?t/ /?/ /pi?s/ /?v/ /?i?z/ /?n/ /h?z/ /?p?k?t/ /?nd/ /w?nt/ /??we?/. /?le?t?r/ /?/ /?ne?b?/ /t??ld/ /mi?/ /??ba?t/ /h?m/. /??vr?b?di/ /n??z/ /h?m/. /h?z/ /ne?m/ /?z/ /?p??si/ /?b?tnz/. /hi?/ /k??lz/ /?t/ /??vri/ /ha?s/ /?n/ /e?/ /stri?t/ /w?ns/ /?/ /m?nθ/ /?nd/ /???lwe?z/ /ɑ?sks/ /f??r/ /?/ /mi?l/ /?nd/ /?/ /glɑ?s/ /?v/ /b??/.
in return for this? 作為回報
stand on one's head 倒立