11 Things Your Yoga Instructor Wants You to Know
You see them smiling at you as they walk around the room or demonstrate poses, but do you ever wonder what your yoga teachers are thinking? Here are some things yoga instructors want newbies to know about their classes.
你看著瑜伽教練們在瑜伽教室里來回走動或者演示動作,但是你知道你的瑜伽教練在想什么嗎? 讓我來告訴你們這些菜鳥你們的老師最想讓你們知道哪些關(guān)于她的教學的事情吧接箫。
They're not checking you out to see how flexible you are (or aren't):If your teacher is looking at you, it's not to judge whether or not you can straighten your legs in Down Dog (so don't quickly press your heels to the floor if you catch a glimpse your way!). He or she wants to make sure you're doing a pose safely and comfortably.
她們并不是在檢查你的柔韌性: 如果你的教練看著你泰鸡,她不是在檢測你能否在下犬式中伸直你的腿,所以你不用在他瞄你一眼的時候曲秉,你就賣力得快速把你的后跟放到地板上。她看你只是想確保你能舒服適當?shù)冒褎幼髯龊茫灰軅?/p>
They don't like when you push yourself too hard:You're always encouraged to try new poses, but not if it means struggling in pain. When working on backbends, trust that you know whether it's better for you to do a beginner version likeCobraversus an advanced version like?Scorpion.
她們并不喜歡你過于用力得做姿勢: 做新的動作是很鼓勵的一件事胸嘁,但是并不代表非要在痛苦中掙扎。當做后彎動作時凉逛,相信你要知道是做初學者的版本動作比如說眼鏡蛇姿勢缴渊,還是更進階的版本蝎子姿勢。
They wish you'd ask questions or for assistance:Yoga classes tend to be pretty quiet with only the instructor's voice heard, but if you have a question, please ask! Chances are the other students are wondering the same thing. Also, don't be shy about asking for help — they'd much rather stand next to you and help you lift into headstand than to hear you crash to the floor after trying it on your own.
她們其實希望你會問問題或者是尋求幫助鱼炒。 瑜伽課程都是比較安靜的衔沼,基本上都是只有教練的講解的聲音蝌借,但是如果你有問題的話,就問出來吧指蚁。 很有可能其他學生也有同樣的疑問菩佑。另外,不要為找尋幫助而感到害羞凝化。她們更愿意去站在你旁邊幫助你完成你的頭倒立而不是聽到你自己嘗試的時候“咚”的一聲摔在地上稍坯。
They don't care if you pass gas:Yoga instructors are human too, and they of all people know that certain poses can make tooting happen. Why? Because it's probably happened to them! I know it's a little embarrassing, but if you accidentally have a loud outburst from your tush, just pretend like it didn't happen.
她們不在乎你放出你的毒氣。 瑜伽教練也是人搓劫,她們也知道有些動作可能會讓人放出個p來瞧哟。為什么?因為這也有可能會發(fā)生在他們身上枪向。 這的確會有點尷尬勤揩,但是如果你不小心得放了一個響亮的p的話,那就裝做什么也沒有發(fā)生吧秘蛔。
They aren't grossed out by your sweat:If an instructor likes to give assists in poses, no need to apologize for your slippery sweatiness. They're used to touching clothes and bodies drenched in perspiration, and if it bothered them, well then they wouldn't be yoga instructors.
她們不會嫌棄你的滿身大汗陨亡。 如果一個教練喜歡去輔助學生,不用為你的渾身大汗而感到抱歉深员。她們已經(jīng)習慣了觸碰到汗流浹背的身體和衣衫负蠕, 如果這都會讓她們感到不適,她們早就不會去當瑜伽教練的倦畅。
They want you to speak up if an assist hurts or makes you uncomfortable:You have every right to tell the instructor to press more softly or to back off entirely. It's your body and you know your limits; without your input, a teacher won't know what you like and what adjustment is about to pull your hamstring.
她們希望你會說出來遮糖,如果在輔助你的時候,你感覺到不適或者疼痛叠赐。 你有絕對的權(quán)利告訴你的教練讓他按壓時放松動作或者是不要讓他幫你按壓止吁。你的身體你最知道你的極限。如果沒有你的意見燎悍,教練是不知道你喜歡怎么樣和什么樣的調(diào)整是剛好適合你的敬惦。
They wish you didn't come to class to "sweat out your sick":If you're congested with a cold, a little exercise can do you some good. Heat can help loosen mucus, and moving the body relieves body aches. But you want to be careful not to pass along your germs to others, so sweating out your sickness in a packed yoga class with your snotty tissues collecting around your mat is not the best idea. Feeling under the weather is the perfect time to do a home practice, and you can hit the studio once you're feeling better.
她們希望你不要在生病期間來練習。 如果你感染了感冒谈山,練習一會可能會對你有些許幫助俄删。身體變熱會對流鼻涕和身體酸痛有緩解作用。但是你得小心翼翼得不把自己的細菌傳染給他人奏路,所以在人多的瑜伽課程里帶病練習還在自己的瑜伽墊周圍放滿了擦鼻涕的紙幣其實不是個好主意畴椰。這時候在家練習更好一些。
They love when you bring your own yoga mat to class:Borrowing a studio mat for your first five or so classes is welcomed, but after that, it's time to buy your own yoga mat. Using a mat that only you sweat on helps prevent the spread of germs, which we all appreciate, and purchasing your very own mat also shows a deeper devotion than someone who pops into class every once in a while.
她們希望你可以帶上自己的瑜伽墊鸽粉。 在你的前幾節(jié)課時借用瑜伽墊還是歡迎的斜脂,但是那之后,最好還是買一個自己的瑜伽墊触机。我們都知道用一個只有你自己汗水的瑜伽墊更干凈衛(wèi)生帚戳,而且買一自己的瑜伽墊也會表現(xiàn)出你對練習瑜伽的決心和熱愛玷或。
They want you to practice at least twice a week:A Sunday afternoon yoga class will offer amazing benefits, but if you really want to improve your practice, you should include another class or two that week. If it's impossible to get to the studio that many times because of time or money, unroll your yoga mat and do a practice at home, even if it's for only 20 minutes.
她們希望你可以至少一周練習兩次。 周日下午的瑜伽課會非常有益處片任,但是如果你真的想提高你自己偏友,你應(yīng)該再上一到兩節(jié)課在周中的時候。如果你因為時間或者費用的問題对供,實在沒有辦法去瑜伽館那么多次位他,可以在家練習,哪怕是20分鐘产场。
They don't mind if you take class from another instructor:Every teacher offers students something different, and depending on your mood and your needs, one day you might crave a class with Playful Patty who inspires you to try handstands, and on sluggish days, you might prefer Relaxed Rebecca who does mostly seated postures.
她們并不介意你會去上其他教練的課程鹅髓。 每個老師的課都是不一樣的,根據(jù)你的心情和需求京景,有時候你可能想去上更歡樂一點的Patty老師的課去做一些難的動作的嘗試窿冯,有時候如果你不太想動的情況下,也許你會更想去上Rebecca老師的課程醋粟,因為她的課大部分都是在放松打坐靡菇。
They like when you get to class a little early and prefer you stay until class is over:We all have tight schedules and obligations to work and family, so the occasional late entry to class or early skip-out is OK, just don't make it a habit. Show yourself, your fellow students, and your teacher respect by being physically present for the entire class.
她們喜歡你提前一點到教室重归,而且可以待到課程最后米愿。 我們大家都時間很緊,都有我們自己的工作鼻吮、家庭育苟,所以偶爾的遲到或者早退是可以的,但是不要把它變成了一種習慣椎木。上完整節(jié)課也是對你自己违柏,你的同伴,你的老師的一種尊重香椎。