Today is Friday.
Our neighbors Matthew and Maggie called on us. Maggie brought Sarah some banty chicken for eating, but Sarah didn't want to eat them. She wanted to raise them. The chickens followed Sarah just like she was their mother. Maggie also gave Sarah some seeds and strongly suggested Sarah to plant them in the field and make a garden. When Sarah heard that I, even Caleb, could drive a wagon, she was astonished. When Papa finished his plowing the corn field, he came back, just before the rain, bring her the first rose of summer. The squall was coming. Sarah asked to help Papa fix the room. Caleb and I gathered the horses, sheep, cows, dogs and cat into the barn, which was the strongest house of ours. The storm was really fierce. Sarah ran to our living house to get her chickens, Papa following her. They came back safely with the chickens and some foods. We had spent two days in the barn until the hail was over. We opened the barn door and walked out into the early-morning light. The hail crunched and melted beneath our feet. It was white and gleaming for as far as we looked, like sun on glass. Like the sea.?