很精彩的講超弦理論的科普書,400頁统阿。我很想說的是這句 - “Human being is standing on the cross road of science and faith.“。新世紀以來筹我,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的超常規(guī)扶平,超速發(fā)展,使我們產(chǎn)生了一種錯覺蔬蕊,誤以為人類的一切基礎學科结澄,對宇宙的理解,對自身的理解岸夯,也都同步迅猛發(fā)展者麻献,其實沒有 - 人類歷史最大的對撞機LHC幾乎一無所獲 ,腫瘤依舊是困擾人類的惡魔 - 這些領域猜扮,需要更多注意力勉吻,更多研究資金。
此書對人類認識宇宙的態(tài)度柳琢,值得一提 -
不妄自菲薄 - 我們雖圄于宇宙一角,卻能對大大的宇宙的神秘能有一窺
It is truly inspiring that beings confined to one planet orbiting a run-of-the-mill star in the far edges of a fairly ordinary galaxy have been able, through thought and experiment, to ascertain and comprehend some of the most mysterious characteristics of the physical universe.
也不盲目自信 - 書的最后润脸,作者也道出了柬脸,也許“科學解釋是有它的極限的“,有些規(guī)則也許是'divine choice'
"Maybe we have to accept that after reaching the deepest possible level of understanding science can offer, there will nevertheless be aspects of the universe that remain unexplained. Maybe we ** will have to accept that certain features of the universe are the way they are because of happenstance, accident, or divine choice**. The success of the scientific method in the past has encouraged us to think that with enough time and effort we can unravel nature's mysteries. But hitting the absolute limit of scientific explanation—not a technological obstacle or the current but progressing edge of human understanding—would be a singular event, one for which past experience could not prepare us."
另外毙驯,作者Greene不但物理學大牛倒堕,也能演戲,他曾在《生活大爆炸》中(episode "The Herb Garden Germination") 客串推銷他的書爆价,也曾擔當那部丹澤爾華盛頓《Déjà Vu》的科學顧問垦巴。
BTW, 此本的中文叫《宇宙的琴弦》,看過幾章铭段,翻譯的不錯的骤宣。
相關推薦 - 《Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension》by Michio Kaku 類似內(nèi)容的科普,據(jù)陳比這本更容易懂稠项,沒看過。