Good evening, everyone! My name is Elena. This is my CC1 speech: Three Features of Me.
Actually, I have thought this speech for a week, but I couldn’t figure it out by myself, then I asked my roommate Ashely for help.
“Honey, I am preparing my first speech at TMC, What do you think I should talk about me? What are my features?”
She laughed, and said “I know your features!” Then she told me.
“Yeah, these are my features, but also my shortcomings. I want to make a good impression to everyone.”
“They will like you if you tell them a truly Elena.” She said
“What you said really makes sense” I said.
So I decided to tell you about my three features, in other words, my three shortcomings.
The first feature is getting up early is difficult for me.
Before I went to bed at night , I set the alarm clock , 7:00涣狗,7:10,7:20,7:30绰姻,7:40 , 7:50 ; 8:00 “That is enough !”
I said to my roommate: “I want to eat breakfast tomorrow morning! I want to study at the library! I will get up at 7:00”
She replied: “Yeah, you wish !”
In the next morning, when the bell ring rung, I turned it off one by one and went on sleeping. When I woke up, it was already 9:00. My roommate was playing her phone on bed.
I said :“Oh, no! I overslept this morning. Honey, when did you get up? ”
She said :“7:00. When your first bell rung, I woke up.”“Elena, please don’t set any alarm clock, you can’t wake up !”
I replied “Maybe!”
I feel very lucky that my roommate still loves me.
As you can see, I can’t get up early in the morning, I need more time to sleep. I wish I can sleep as long as I like. Don’t need any alarm.
The second feature is that I am a timid person.
I am afraid of many things, snake, fire, boiled oil, high place and so on. Once I talked with my roommate about Shanghai Disneyland Park. She said: “So many people went to Shanghai Disneyland Park. Do you want to have fun?”
I replied: “No, not interested”
She said :“Why ?”
“Because Disneyland is a big amusement park, there are so many recreational facilities. I am afraid of these those games, When I see saw them, my heart beated fast and I felt nervous. Once, I took the giant stride, I shouted and asked for help all the time. It really scared me and I don’t want to play anymore.”
“You can’t enjoy the fun of amusement park” She said.
I said “Yeah, I don’t want to enjoy the fun of amusement park. I just want to stand on the ground safely”
This story tells us that I am a timid person, please don’t try to scare me or play dangerous game with me.
The third feature is my time sense is very strong.
Although I can’t get up early at morning, my time sense is very strong. I want everything is on schedule and I don’t like waiting for others.
When I went out with my roommate, I said: “we will set out at 10:00”. Then I began to made up and dressed up .When everything was ok, there was still 20minutes left. Then I waited for my roommate.
“Honey, you still have 20 minutes, hurry up”
“You still have 10 minutes, quickly”
“You only have 5 minutes”
“It’s 10:00, let’s go , we will be late!”
My roommate said:“Take easy, we won’t be late”
Actually, I am a little annoying annoyed at this kind of situation.
So, if I push you and say “Hurry up! Hurry up!” to you.
Please forgive me!
These are my three features. Let’s review together:
Firstly, it’s difficult for me to get up early
Secondly, I am a timid person
Thirdly, I have strong time sense.
Now, do you know me better? Do you still welcome and like me?
Thanks for your listening!