The bill is represented as an array with information about the calls. Help Nicola to calculate the cost for each of Sophia calls. Each call is represented as a string with date, time and duration of the call in seconds in the follow format:
"YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss duration"
The date and time in this information are the start of the call.
Space-Time Communications Co. has several rules on how to calculate the cost of calls:
First 100 (one hundred) minutes in one day are priced at 1 coin per minute;
After 100 minutes in one day, each minute costs 2 coins per minute;
All calls are rounded up to the nearest minute. For example 59 sec ≈ 1 min, 61 sec ≈ 2 min;
Calls count on the day when they began. For example if a call was started 2014-01-01 23:59:59, then it counted to 2014-01-01;
For example:
2014-01-01 01:12:13 181
2014-01-02 20:11:10 600
2014-01-03 01:12:13 6009
2014-01-03 12:13:55 200
First day -- 181s≈4m -- 4 coins;
Second day -- 600s=10m -- 10 coins;
Third day -- 6009s≈101m + 200s≈4m -- 100 + 5 * 2 = 110 coins;
Total -- 124 coins.
Input: Information about calls as a tuple of strings.
Output: The total cost as an integer.
- 如果字典key存在那么实抡,使用直接賦值和增量賦值(+=)都是沒有問題的欠母。
- 如果字典key不存在欢策,那么使用直接賦值是可行的,但是使用增量賦值就會報keyerror
In line with the fail-fast philosophy, dict access with d[k] raises an error when k is not an existing key. Every Pythonista
knows that d.get(k, default) is an alternative to d[k] whenever a default value is more convenient than handling KeyError.
from math import ceil
def total_cost(calls):
dict = {}
for call in calls:
date, _, length = call.split(" ")
dict[date] = dict.get(date,0) + ceil(int(length)/60)
return sum([i*2-100 if i>100 else i for i in dict.values()])
Counter()是collections下面的一個計數(shù)器函數(shù)俺孙。有興趣的可以去看看Counter()的源碼,Counter()繼承dict類缩擂,因此我們可以使用dict的方法來使用counter().因為 Counter 實現(xiàn)了defaultdict()的__missing__ 方法鼠冕, 所以當(dāng)訪問不存在的key的時候,返回值為0胯盯。利用這個特性懈费,我們就可以無憂慮的使用增量賦值來達(dá)成我們的目的。
from math import ceil
from collections import Counter
def total_cost(calls):
dict_total = Counter()
for call in calls:
date, _, length = call.split(" ")
dict_total[date] += ceil(int(length)/60)
return return sum([i*2-100 if i>100 else i for i in dict_total.values()])
from collections import defaultdict
from math import ceil
def total_cost(calls):
dict1 = defaultdict(int)
for call in calls:
date, _, length = call.split(" ")
dict1[date] += ceil(int(length)/60)
return sum([i*2-100 if i>100 else i for i in dict1.values()])