Today I am going to read another book. I‘d like to read two books at the same time that I can switch one book to another so I could have a space to pause and think.
They are two different books Battle hymn of the Tiger mother is more like daily life stories. IKIGAIIt’s about the wisdom of a long and happy life.
“Only staying active will make you want to live 100 years.”
1.Intersect ,infused With meaning
,reveals The secret ,foster Collaboration
According to the Japanese everyone has an IKIGAI is a reason for living.The author interviewed a Japanese village with the worlds longest living people finding it is the key to a happy and a longer life.Centenarians Of 100 years olds ,one of the worlds blue zones ,the research is about them how they eat how they move how they work and how they foster collaboration and community.
IKIGAI———The place where passion mission vocation and? profession Intersect means that each day is infused with meaning and this book will reveal the secrets.
2.graphic regions, chronic illnesses, Inflammatory disorders ,enviable levels ,vitality and health ,free radicals ,secular aging, Moderate symptoms ,menopause dementia ,defined,indicates
What is your reason for being?What ever you do don’t retire!
According to the Japanese everyone has an IKIGAI some people have found while others are still looking though they carry it with them .
IKIGAI is hidden deep inside each of us and finding it requires a patient to research .According to those born on the island of Japan IKIGAI is the reason we get up in the morning.
Having a clear defined IKIGAI brings satisfaction and happiness and meaning to our lives .The purpose of this book is to help you find yours and to share insights from Japanese philosophy on the lasting health of body mind and spirit.
I’m surprising thing you notice living in Japan is how active people remain after they retire in fact there is no word in Japanese that means retire as in English.Having a purpose in life is so important in Japanese culture.
The island of eternal youth
Certain long but he studies suggest that a strong sense of community and a clearly defined a QQ car just as important as famously healthful Japanese diet perhaps even more so.
The graphic regions where people live longest called blue zones provide a number of interesting facts about these extraordinary human beings:
1)I’m not only live much longer but also suffer from fever chronic illnesses such as cancer and heart disease ,inflammatory disorders are also less common.
2)They enjoyed available levels of vitality and health
3)We are blood tests reveal fever free radicals as a result of drinking tea and eating until we are stomach are only 80% full
4)Women experience more moderate symptoms during menopause
5)The rate of dementia it’s lower