About Building UE4 on Linux
About Running UE4 on Linux
- Run with UE4 Editor:
- Open compiled project with UE4 Editor.
///Terminal commands - To open the project with the editor:
~$ /<YourUnrealEngine4Folder>/UnrealEngine-4.19/Engine/Binaries/Linux/UE4Editor /<YourUnrealProjectFolder>/CrossPlatformProj/CrossPlatformProj.uproject -run
Note: UE4 Editor and UE4 project could be stored in NTFS (usually used in Win 10), and Ubuntu can mount NTFS easily.
About Coding UE4 on Linux
///Terminal commands - Checking clang status
~$ sudo update-alternatives --config c++
checking clang++ version
///Terminal commands - Promotion of Clang 5.0
~$ update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang++ clang++ /usr/bin/clang++-5.0 100
~$ update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang /usr/bin/clang-5.0 100
///Terminal commands - Uninstall just clang-6.0
~$ sudo apt-get remove clang-6.0
///Terminal commands - Uninstall clang-6.0 and its dependencies
~$ sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove clang-6.0
///Terminal commands - Purging config /data after the deletion
~$ sudo apt-get purge clang-6.0
~$ sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove clang-6.0
About Compiling & Building UE4 on Linux with CodeLite
- Opening the workplace, which almost equals to .sln of Visual Studio, noticing that it may encounter that the recent workplace is not able to open due to unmounted disks. So pls don't forget.
Firstly build the editor, then build the project under Development
Project: CrossPlatfromProj
Specify clang 501, Settings -> Code Completion -> CTags -> Search Paths -> Suggest