My mother has become similar to my grandma to some extent. I wonder why old women try to obtain more stuffs. They are economical and a bit greedy.
Mother told me that it's not easy to get vegetables these days because shops are closed or the roads are blocked. My uncle and went to?the market without telling her Asif they were worried that she was too dependent. All they have at home is turnips. And I told her that city dwellers borrow flour rice and exchange garlics with each other in some enclosed buildings. I wonder what's wrong with her mind because she has become so incapable. She always wanted to buy a vehicle but she could not drive because of poor eyesight. She is the financial manager of the family but has difficulty making decisions and refuses to listen to other's advice. I asked her to leave the country side and she is always reluctant. She believes that everything has become easier. For example, they can rely on neighbors to plough, water the fields and plant the seeds with tractors. I know she needs more encouragement to get by , either active or passively. my words carry no weight at all. She needs to realize the truth about life her self, otherwise she won't make improvements. It is really of no use to tell others what to do unless they reach the conclusion by their own mental efforts. I would be no better in her position or in anyone's position. Learning is an everlasting process, so people? will continue their classes afte this life if they can't finish the necessary lessons when they're alive. there's nothing to worry about at all. Oh women, I have known them a bit too well. Now I understand the preaching by the Buddha and his disciples for they have summarized too well regarding the shortcomings of women, undesirable situations and the whole world and beyond. Namas Amitabha