Lesson28(1) Fivepounds too dear
Small boats loadedwith wares sped to the great liner as she was entering the harbour. Before shehad anchored, the men from the boats had climbed on board and the decks weresoon covered with colourful rugs from Persia, silks from India, copper coffeepots, and beautiful handmade silverware. It was difficult not to be tempted. Manyof the tourists on board had begun bargaining with the tradesmen, but I decidednot to buy anything until I had disembarked. I had no sooner got off the shipthan I was assailed by a man who wanted to sell me a diamond ring. I had nointention of buying one, but I could not conceal the fact that I was impressedby the size of the diamonds. Some of them were as big as marbles. The man wentto great lengths to prove that the diamonds were real. As we were walking pasta shop, he held a diamond firmly against the window and made a deep impressionin the glass. It took me over half an hour to get rid of him.
fa?v pa?ndz tu? d??
sm??l b??ts ?l??d?d w?e we?z sp?d tu? e? gre?t ?la?n?r ?z ?i? w?z ??nt?r?? e? ?hɑ?b?. b??f?? ?i? h?d ???k?d, e? m?n fr?m e? b??ts h?d kla?md ?n b??d ?nd e? d?ks w?? su?n ?k?v?d w?e ?k?l?f?l r?gz fr?m ?p????, s?lks fr?m ??nd??, ?k?p? ?k?fi p?ts, ?nd ?bju?t?f?l ?h?nd?me?d ?s?lv?we?. ?t w?z ?d?f?k?lt n?t tu? bi? ?t?mpt?d. ?m?ni ?v e? ?t??r?sts ?n b??d h?d b??g?n ?bɑ?g?n?? w?e e? ?tre?dzm?n, b?t a? d??sa?d?d n?t tu? ba? ??n?θ?? ?n?t?l a? h?d ?d?s?m?bɑ?kt. a? h?d n?? ?su?n? g?t ?f e? ??p e?n a? w?z ??se?ld ba? ? m?n hu? ?w?nt?d tu? s?l mi? ? ?da??m?nd r??. a? h?d n?? ?n?t?n??n ?v ?ba??? w?n, b?t a? k?d n?t k?n?si?l e? f?kt e?t a? w?z ?m?pr?st ba? e? sa?z ?v e? ?da??m?ndz. s?m ?v e?m w??r ?z b?g ?z ?mɑ?blz. e? m?n w?nt tu? gre?t l??θs tu? pru?v e?t e? ?da??m?ndz w?? r??l. ?z wi? w?? ?w??k?? pɑ?st ? ??p, hi? h?ld ? ?da??m?nd ?f??mli ??g?nst e? ?w?nd?? ?nd me?d ? di?p ?m?pr???n ?n e? glɑ?s. ?t t?k mi? ???v? hɑ?f ?n ?a?? tu? g?t r?d ?v h?m.
任務配置:L0+L1+ L4
單詞:1晾捏、wares:商品,2胖齐、harbour:港口添坊,3雨女、anchored:錨定,4讼稚、deck:甲板,陽臺,5蝉稳、rug:地毯操漠,毯子撞秋,6、silk:絲綢肌割,帛榨惠,7冒冬、silverware:銀器伸蚯,8、tempt:誘惑简烤,勾引横侦,9枉侧、bargain:討價還價翼虫,議價唧瘾,10、disembark:下船饰序,登陸领虹,11、assail:攻擊注祖,抨擊,12均唉、intention:意圖是晨,意向,打算舔箭,13罩缴、was impressed by:印象深刻,14层扶、marble:大理石箫章,marbles:彈珠,15镜会、go to great lengths:竭盡全力檬寂,16、get rid of:擺脫戳表,破除桶至,驅除
音標:/?/ 雙唇微閉,舌尖抵住下齦匾旭,振動聲帶镣屹,使氣息由鼻孔流出來。