What happens to your face when you stop wearing make-up
For many of us, it's an ingrained part of our routine, up there with brushing our teeth and doing our hair. Make-up can disguise the fact you've been out late on a school night, it can help you feel perkier and ready to face the world. Not to mention it's also quite fun to apply.
Cosmetics have come on in leaps in bounds as well, with an increasing number of brands and items promising to be non-comedogenic, kinder to skin and eyes and easily removable. That said, there are some things to consider. The List has revealed some important benefits to adopting a more fresh-faced look once in a while - some which can in fact improve overall health.
化妝品也在跨越式的發(fā)展慢蜓,越來越多的品牌和產(chǎn)品有望能不引發(fā)黑頭、粉刺郭膛、更親膚晨抡、親眼,而且也更容易卸掉。也就是說耘柱,還有一些因素有待考慮如捅。The List揭秘了偶爾素顏的重要益處——事實(shí)上,有些還能改善整體健康调煎。
No more dry skin
This messes with our skin, especially on the occasions when we don't wash it off properly. "One of the most basic problems that occurs when you don't clean your face before bedtime is that natural skin sloughing, where dead skin is replaced with new cells, is impeded," dermatologist Dr. Rachel Nazarian told Marie Claire.
"Dead skin cells accumulate, leading to dull, dry skin." When we forego make-up, we allow our skin to form new cells, which gives us a more hydrated appearance.
Wrinkle reduction
Make-up may be the sort of thing we turn to make ourselves seem more youthful, but when it comes to wrinkles, it's actually counter-intuitive. Over time, make-up tends to settle into fine lines and wrinkles, which only serve to put a spotlight on them.
Pore reduction
These tiny make-up particles, The List explains, build up in our pores each time we apply make-up. It may enhance our skin's appearance in a superficial level, but make-up actually interferes with our skin's natural cell renewal process.
The List解釋道鹅颊,每次化妝時,這些細(xì)小的化妝顆粒都會聚集在毛孔中墓造。雖然表面看來堪伍,你的皮膚會變好,但實(shí)際上觅闽,化妝品會擾亂皮膚天然細(xì)胞的更新過程帝雇。
When you combine these with all the pollutants and dirt we're exposed to every day, our pores become clogged and enlarged. Ditching the slap once in a while, however, can help our pores appear smaller which in turn gives complexions a smoother finish.
Less spots
It's not just the toxins we apply layer upon layer of whenever we use make-up which cause breakouts, but also what lurks in our make-up brushes and sponges.