Of course not.?
Amazon? Already in China. But?quitting on 18 July 2019.? ? ?--18 july 2019英文日期的寫法,quit on one: to give up;to stop putting in the required effort--
The US e-commerce--e-commerce is the same as e-business,e-bussiness:An e-business is a business which uses the internet to sell goods or services,especially one which does not also have shops or offices that people can visit or phone-- giant did venture--venture:a business project or activity,especially one that involves taking risks-- into China purchasing--purchase:-when you purchase something,you buy it- Yojo to gain a beachhead--a strong position on a beach from which an army that has just landed prepares to go forward and attack>see also bridgehead-- into the huge--extremely large in size or amount;great in degree-- 2 trillion USD --United States dollar--eCommerce market.
After investing --to spend money on sth in order to make it better or more successful--and struggling--to try very hard to do sth when it is difficult or when there are a lot of problems--, Amazon only could get?0.7 to 0.8%?of the huge fast growing market.
Amazon announced to close its online store in China. The market is saturated--to fill sth/sb completely with sth so that it is impossible or useless to add any more-- with many strong local competitors--a person or an organization that competes against orhters ,especially in business--, and Amazon struggled--struggle struggling struggled--. Pulling out of --pull out of--Chinese e-commerce represents a significant--large or important enough to have effort or to be noticed-- setback --a difficulty or problem that delays or prevents sth ,or makes a situtation worse--for the company and Chief Executive--a person who has an important job as a manager of a company or an organization-- Officer--a person who is in a position of authority in the government or a large organization-- Jeff Bezos, known for his willingness--if someone is willing to do something,they are fairly happy about doing it an will do it if they are asked or required to do it-- to weather losses--loss is the fact of nolonger having something or having less of it than before-- to achieve long-term gains.
Chinese rivals --your rivals is a person,business,or organization who you are competing or fighting against in the same area or for the same things--JD.com?and Alibaba controlled 82%?of the market last year, with a huge pack of other contenders--a contenders is someone who takes part in a competition--, leaving little room --the possibility of sth existing or happening;the opportunity to do sth--for the US e-commerce giant.
No comparative --measured or judged by how similar or different it is to sth else--? advantage.?Even e Bay didn’t make it. And Amazon was just a bit late and unable to beat the local advantage--a quality of sth that makes it better or more useful--. Distribution--the system of transporting and delivering goods-- channels --distributiion channels >a way of selling company's product either directly or via distributors--and costs cannot beat Alibaba. The Chinese sellers would find it easier to work through Chinese platforms which are well known, responsive--reacting quickly and in a positive way--, with local advantage of cultural understanding. BUYERs most important - they prefer China’s MUI/MMI that serves local needs better.
Africa? Also has many platforms already, and Amazon is also there. I think the early birds and many local platforms there may also have local advantage.
Amazon thinks it has better luck in India and elsewhere like South America.
Chinese consumers will still be able to make purchases--The purchase of something is the act of buying it-- through Amazon's stores in other countries, as well as AWS, Kindle.
The China market?- super big, fast growing, vastly --very much--diverse --very different from each other and of various kinds-- and so capitalist--a capitalist country or system supports or is based on the principles of catpitalism--, but crazy cut throat and darn --to repair a hole in a place of clothing by sewing stitches across the hole--competitive--competitive is used to describe situations or activities in which people or firms compete with each other--.
Warning - don’t jump in too easy even if you are big. In fact, I think many Chinese are expanding--if something such as business,organization,or service expands,or if you expand it ,it becomes and includes more peopel,goods,or activities--, Alibaba and some of his 40 compatriots--your compatirots are people from your own country--.
e-Retail--to sell goods to the public,usually through shops/stores-- surpass --to do or be better than sb/sth--US long ago, but in total RETAIL US is king. But by 2019? I think the biggest total retail is China.
What do you think about the USA and Google ban against China's tech company Huawei?
The US government is essentially--when you think about the true,important or basic nature of sb/sth-- trying to destroy the mobile business of China's biggest phone manufacturer --a person or company that produces goods in large quantities--Huawei by making baseless--not supported by good reasons or facts-- accusations--an accusation is a statement or claim by a witness or someone in authority that a particular perosn has committed a cirme ,although this has not yet bean proved--. And the US government will succeed.
But the Chinese are going to make sure this never happens again.
A quarter--one of four equal parts of sth-- of phones in China run on iOS, just under a quarter on Android, both US-controlled technologies, and China will no longer tolerate--to allow sb to do sth that you do not agree with or like-- that.
It will build its own mobile OS and make absolutely sure it succeeds.
And that means Google and Apple will lose their duopoly--a right to trade to particular product or service,held by only two companies or organizations--, and ultimately --in the end;finally--the US will pay a heavy price for picking this unnecessary fight.
Why do some tourists who have visited both the USA and China think the latter is safer?
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44 Answers
Farzin S, knows German
Updated Aug 17, 2017?·?Upvoted--to show formally by marking a paper or raising your hand which person you want to win an election ,or? witch plan or idea you support-- by?Yu-Hsing Chen,?lived in The United States of America (1992-1995)?and?Barbara Hallanger,?lived in The United States of America (2014-2019)
I have visited U.S. for about eight times California, New York, Florida, Seattle --西雅圖--and Oregon --俄勒岡州--to be specific--detailed and exact--. American citizens--a person who lives in a particular place-- vary---- when it comes to knowing foreign visitors, it’s a strange to many Americans I have visited 30+ countries yet I am only 26 years old.
Currently--at the present time--, I live in China and I’m a biracial--cosisting of or combining two races-- Irish with ethnic--connected with or? belonging to a nation,race or people that shares a cultural tradition-- Iranian--a modern persian language spoken in lran-- father. As you would assume--to think or accept that sth is true but without having proof of it--, I would not be very welcomed with open arms in U.S especially after Trump administration--the government of a country,especially the us--.
As being Irish with Iranian surname--a name shared--, I would be mistaken--based on a wrong opinion or bad judgement-- often for a Latino--a person,especially one who is living in the us,who comes from latin america,or whose family came from there--, a Brazilian--from or connected with brazil-- or a Cuban--from or connected with cuba-- in U.S less than a Middle Eastern--located in the east or facing east --, also many thought I am Italian American. Often, when I told my fellow--a person that you work with or that is like you a thing that is similar to the one mentioned-- American friends in U.S I have an Iranian--the modern persian language spoken in lran & a native or inhabitant of iran-- father, their attitude was not very positive. I also do not feel safe in U.S, the worse case I had was an African American homeless guy following me around in New York City forcing me to pay him money. There’s also lack of safety--the state of being safe and protected from danger and harm-- and public security--public securiy:the general security of public places,security:the state of feeling happy and safe from danger or worry--. We mistakenly---if you are mistaken about something you are wrong about it- took the subway and ended up in Queens in New York and man that was not a pleasant experience. However, during all those eight times my experience was not as unpleasant as many other tourists, maybe because Americans love the Irish--the chltic language of lreland or the people of ireland--, I don’t know. However, I had the choice to work between U.S and China, I chose China. There is not enough public security and safety in U.S. I am not sure what the American cops-- a cop is a policeman or? policewoman-- are doing but I would be terrified--very frightened,if something terrifies you ,it makes feel extremely frightened-- working and taking the subway everyday in major American cities, especially at night. Sometimes, I also believe the American public--connected with ordinary people in society in general-- is a little paranoid--suffering from a mental illness in which you wrongly believe that other people are trying to harm you or that you are very important-- about the outside world. For--as a representative of-- a developed nation you know very little about Europe, let alone--mech less-- the rest of the world.
At the other hand China is safe, the people are friendly and open to new cultures. I find the Chinese more keen--wanting to do sth or wanting sth to happen very much-- to get to know foreigners more than the Americans. There’s this belief? everyone and everything is a threat to America and American citizens--someone who is a citizen of a particular county is legally accepted as belonging to that country-- which is false and I do not know why people have led to come up with--if you come up with a plan or idea,you think of it and suggest it-- those beliefs.
Sometimes I meet Chinese young people and they tell me only good things about Ireland, Irish history and things about my country where only little people know about. They also know a lot about Persia (Iran), the silk road, trade between China and the country, its rich culture and history. I do not remember where I met an American where they told me nice things about my father’s ancestral--you user ancestral to refer to a person's family in former times especially when the family is important and has properly or land which they have had for a long time-- home Iran. The Americans, I meet abroad are also a lot more open minded and well educated than mainland local Americans, they are also keen to make friends from different backgrounds.
Overall--generally when you consider everything-- both the Irish--the irish-- and the Iranian--the modern persian language spoken in lran-- minority--a small group with a community or country that is different because of race,religion,language.etc-- have added so much to the American culture, society, economics, justice--the legal system used to punish people who have committed crimes-- system, entertainment--film/movies,music,etc.used to entertain people;an example of this--, medicine--the study and treatment of diseases-- and much more. They would be highly ranked--ranked is added to words,usually numbers like first second third to from adjectives which indicate what position someone or something has in a list or scale-- as successful and intelligent minorities--if you talk about a minority of? people or things in a larger group,you refering to a number of them that forms less than half of the large group,usually much less tha half--, however there’s little awareness---knowing sht;knowing that sth exists and is important;being interested in sth- and appreciation--the feeling of being grateful for sth-- about it among the general public--ordinary people who are not members of a particular group or organization-- which is unfair. America would not be the largest economy without these minority--the smaller part of a group ;less than half of the people or things in a large group-- contributors--a person or thing that providers money to help pay for sth,or support sth--.?I would rank--to give sh/sth a particular position on a scale according to quality importance,success,etc;to have a? position of this kind-- China better as an expat--an expat is hte same as an expatriate:expatriate: a person who is living in a country that is not their own--, the salaries--a salary is the money that someone is paid each month by their employer,especially when they are in a profession much as teaching,law or medicine-- are surely much lower, there might be pollution, some cultural and language barriers--a barrier is a problem that prevents two people or groups from agreeing,communicating,or working with each other--. However, I can walk at any time of the day knowing I am safe in many parts of China. There’s strong security--the state of feeling happy and safe from danger or worry--, public safety, modern transport system, and good convenience--something that is useful and can make things easier or quicker to do,or more comfortable-- available to expats--同expatriate:a person living in acountry that is not their? own--. Now you tell me, would I have these things working in U.S?
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33 comments from?Tieyi Zhang,?Abhirup Dutta,?Matthew Brunstad?and more
Why is China the only country that seems to be challenging the USA for global dominance--the dominance of a paricular person or thing is the fact that they are more powerful,successful,or important than other people or things--, what about other countries?
Bob MacKenzie, former Business Owner and Manager. at Private Business Self Employed Thinker--a person who thinks is s particular way-- (1973-2019)
Answered--when you answer someone who has asked you something,you say something back to them-- Oct 23, 2018
The only reason you can think China is challenging the US for world dominance--the dominace of a particular person or thing is the fact that they are more powerful,successful,or important than other people or things-- is firstly--used to introduce the first of a list of points you want to make in a speech or piece of writing--; that you know the US wants to dominate--to control or have a? lot of influence over sb/sth,especially in an uppleasant way-- the world and secondly that you listen to too much US produced propaganda--ideas or statements that may be false or exaggerated and that are used in order to gain support for a political leader,party-- telling you that China is challenging the US for world domination--if one country or person dominates another,they have power over them --. You need to use more critical--involving making fair,careful judgements about the good and bad qualities of sb/sth-- thinking.
The US has used force--violent physical action used to obtain or achieve sth--, intimidation--if you intimidate someone ,you deliberately make them frightened enough to do what you want them to do--, invasion--an act or a process thata affects sb/sth in a way that is not welcome/the act of an army entering another country by force in order to take control of it--, extortion--extortion is the crime of obtaining something from someone,especially money,by using force or threats--, political interference--the act of interfering--, murder--the crime of killing sb deliberately-- and torture--the act of causing sb severe pain in order to punish them or make them say or do sth-- for the last 70 odd--approximately or? a little more than the number mentioned-- years to get to be the world’s most dominating--a dominating person has a very strong personality an influences the people around them-- country. It has marginalized--to make sb feel as if they are not important and cannot influence decisions or events;to put sb in a position in which they have no power-- about half of its own population to build a military 10 times larger than the next largest. It wants to achieve world domination in the minds set of Rome, Alexander the Great or Genghis Khan--a title given to rules in some muslim countries--,
It has driven itself into the most massive--extremely large or serious-- debt--a sum of money that sb owes-- load---something that is being carried (usually in large amounts)by a person vehicle.etc- the US tax--money that you have to pay the govement so that it can pay for public services,People pay tax according to their income and bussinesses pay tax according to their profits.tax is also often paid on goods? and services-- payer is expected to carry--to accept responsibility for sth;to suffer the results of sth-- in all of economic--connected with the trade,industry an development of wealth of a country ,an area or a society-- history. It is now trying to force the rest of the world to support its extravagance--the act or spending money than you can afford or than is necessary-- and pay for its mistakes while achieving its dream of world dominance.
Mean while China over the past 30 years has risen to be the world’s largest trader--a person who buys an sells things as a job--, the world’s largest manufacturer--a person or company that produces goods in large quantities--, the world’s largest consumer market, while taking more than 500 million people out of poverty, built tremendous--extremely good-- infrastructure--the basic systems and services that are necessary for a country or an organization to run smoothly,for example buildings,transport and water and power supplies-- projects in China and around the world and has done it all with out firing--the action of firing guns-- one bullet or dropping one bomb.
They have also supported the US excess--more than is necessary,reasonable or acceptable-- by investing--if you invest in something,or if you invest a sum of money,you user your money in a way that you hope will increase its value,for example by paying it into a bank,or buying shares or property-- in their massive debt to help them maintain--to make sth continue at the same level ,standard,etc-- an economy. The US is home to the world’s largest number billionaires--a billionaire is an extremely rich person who has money or property worth at least a thousand million pounds or dollars-- thanks to Chinese labour--the people who or are available for work in a country or company-- and manufacturing--the business or industry of producing goods in large quantities in factories-- ability.
The US sold more US made cars in China than they sold in the US in 2017. All of the US franchised--a franchises is an authority that is given by an organization to someone,allowing them to sell its goods or services or to take part in an activity which the organization controls-- fast food joints--joint means shared by or belonging to two or more people-- sold more fast food in China in 2017 than they sold in the US and that is really doing something.
After all that the, asinine--if you describe something or someone as asinine,you mean that they are very foolish-- US myopic--if you seem describe someone as myopic ,you are critical of them because they seem ubable to realize that their actions might have negative consequences-- political administration--the government of a country,especially the us-- says China is a threat.
Yes they are a threat, they threaten--to be a danger to sth-- to bring a little peace into the world to do more mutually--felt or done equally by two or more people-- beneficial---- trade which the US war dependent economy would not be able to adjust to.
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Which country will be the next world's factory when China can't be anymore?
Ever wondered why the US was the manufacturing hub( consumer goods , intermediates as well as capital goods ) post WW2,.before the rise of EU and before the opening of China? Other than serving the global market she is also has her own domestic market. When the first Asian tiger ( Japan S. Korea Taiwan and Singapore) join the supply chain American manufacturers began to realise that they are no longer competitive and the quality of imports from Asia was just as good if not better than American made( especially Japanese cars). American manufacturers started to move their plant out of US to Asia including the second tier Asian Tiger ( Thailand Malaysia, Indonesia ). To cut the story short , any manufacturer’s relocation of production bases will look at ease of access to global market, domestic market size leading to better economies of scale (think of Coca Cola first venture into China’s 1.2 billion) which will allow competitive pricing and better returns.
As there is unlikely any solution to the Trade War or no solution at all (both Democrats and Republicans are Anti China), manufacturers would definitely take steps to spread their risk. Many SEA countries are keen to welcome manufacturers looking to relocate (note: It is interesting to note that these manufacturers would rather shift to SEA countries or even to Europe rather than back to the US). The worrying fact faced by these manufacturers are rather not those of the quality of infrastructure or the task of training of workers in these new host countries but of marketing. Ultimately Emperor Trump will insist that all American manufacturers should relocate back to the US or face high tariffs (including those in Mexico and Canada ). It’s a catch 22 situation for these manufacturers. Any country can compete for investors to be a world’s manufacturing hub but the Hobson choice decreed by Emperor Trump ( a negative muitipler effect and repercussions ) may lead some investors to leave their money in piggy banks and the world's economy maybe looking at zero growth in the years to come.
Which country will be the next China in terms of economic growth?
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Which country will be the next China in terms of economic growth?
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21 Answers
Ray Gordon, Interested in China
Answered Apr 3, 2018
China’s growth is unlikely to occur again at least on the scale and speed that China developed.
One must realize a couple of things before we start:
1.) China’s growth was truly exceptional
China grew at 10% for over 30 years:?China GDP: how it has changed since 1980, this is on a country that has over 4 times the population of the US.
To put that in perspective, China has a population over?4 times that of the US and grew at nearly 10.5% YoY for 30 years straight.
While there are other countries that developed with that speed, no other country has developed with the speed?and?scale that China did.
It’s a truly remarkable and staggeringly high pace of growth and there a couple of factors that make it unlikely to occur again.
Export led industrialization is on the wane, countries will find it increasingly hard in order to climb the economic ladder using cheap labor as easily as China and the Asian tigers did for a variety of reasons.
Export led industrialization refers to the phenomenon where countries industrialize using high amounts of exports of low-value added goods to more developed economies. Which then allows accumulation of capital to move up the value chain:
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Which country will be the next China in terms of economic growth?
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21 Answers
Ray Gordon, Interested in China
Answered Apr 3, 2018
China’s growth is unlikely to occur again at least on the scale and speed that China developed.
One must realize a couple of things before we start:
1.) China’s growth was truly exceptional
China grew at 10% for over 30 years:?China GDP: how it has changed since 1980, this is on a country that has over 4 times the population of the US.
To put that in perspective, China has a population over?4 times that of the US and grew at nearly 10.5% YoY for 30 years straight.
While there are other countries that developed with that speed, no other country has developed with the speed?and?scale that China did.
It’s a truly remarkable and staggeringly high pace of growth and there a couple of factors that make it unlikely to occur again.
Export led industrialization is on the wane, countries will find it increasingly hard in order to climb the economic ladder using cheap labor as easily as China and the Asian tigers did for a variety of reasons.
Export led industrialization refers to the phenomenon where countries industrialize using high amounts of exports of low-value added goods to more developed economies. Which then allows accumulation of capital to move up the value chain:
Export led industrialization is generally on the wane?throughout the world?for a couple of reasons:
1.) Increased protectionism
When China was opening up,?free trade?and?Globalization?were the huge buzzwords of the day. Today it’s the opposite, with?protectionism?and the?breakup of larger unions?being the norm, developed countries are simply not willing to absorb the large volume of exports required for developing countries, especially on the scale of China to develop using export based industrialization.
2.) Technology
During China’s 10%+ growth phase, there was no such thing as automation. Now it’s the buzzword of the day, and for good reason:
The Robots Are Coming for Garment Workers. That’s Good for the U.S., Bad for Poor Countries
Cheap labor is only a comparative advantage if it is?cheap, why would you want to relocate your manufacturing if its cheaper to do it at home with robots?
3.) Changing nature of manufacturing
Manufacturing is changing, it used to be that businesses had to order in bulk now they can order on a case by case business due to the advent of cheaper internet connectivity. This has led to manufacturing being more and more determined not by cheap labor but by the economies of scale and having the required infrastructure to catch onto this new trend.
What it used to be:
A business needs to buy at least 500 shirts for the spring sale, they need to buy in bulk due to the fear of the supply being short, unfortunately the spring sale doesn’t go as well as planned and only 350 shirts are sold. 150 shirts are now being sold at a loss or must be stored for a cost for the next season.
What it now is:
A business can now order in units of 25 using the internet and have them shipped based on demand, now the business estimates with a far higher accuracy the amount of shirts that they sell, as a result the business does not have any excess shirts they need to sell at a loss or store at a cost for the next season.
As long as developing countries (w/ the notable exception of China and Vietnam *again)?don’t have the ability to catch onto this trend, there is simply less incentive to migrate manufacturing to them.
4.) Government intervention and efficiency
China’s government simply put, while it is authoritarian and dictatorial has generally made a lot of very good decision in the economic sense.
One of the main things about China is that its extremely easy to generate political capital in China rather than a democracy, this means that the Chinese government doesn’t have to worry about bad worker treatment or environmental protection (those are two things that they are caring about now since China is significantly richer than before), with this amount of political capital China has been quick at allocating resources towards the sectors that need it and implementing politically unpopular decisions such as seizing land or turning a blind eye to pollution.
It is therefore quite unlikely that there will be another China on the scale and speed that China developed due to the fact that the favorable global trends that allowed China to prosper are gone or are fading away.
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