第一遣疯,什么是幽門螺桿菌 幽門螺桿菌本質(zhì)上是一種細菌讶踪,是一種革蘭氏陰性桿菌,該細菌生存能力極強萌京,能夠 在胃中強酸性環(huán)境中生存雁歌,是目前發(fā)現(xiàn)的唯一能夠在胃里面生存的細菌。由于我國沒 有實行分餐知残,大家都是通吃一碗菜靠瞎,也很少使用公筷,我國幽門螺桿菌感染率高求妹,據(jù) 統(tǒng)計有50%的人群感染乏盐。
第二,幽門螺桿菌有什么危害制恍。 幽門螺桿菌感染者父能,多數(shù)感染者并無癥狀和并發(fā)癥,但幾乎均存在慢性活動性胃炎净神, 亦即幽門螺桿菌胃炎法竞,染者中約15% ~ 20%發(fā)生消化性潰瘍,5% ~ 10%發(fā)生消化不 良强挫,約1%發(fā)生胃惡性腫瘤[胃癌岔霸、黏膜相關淋巴樣組織( MALT) 淋巴瘤]。
第三俯渤,幽門螺桿菌傳播途徑呆细。 幽門螺桿菌可通過糞口途徑,口口途徑傳播八匠。幽門螺桿菌感染者的糞便中存在幽門螺 桿菌絮爷,如果污染水源,健康人飲用了含幽門螺桿菌的水梨树,可以被傳染坑夯。幽門螺桿菌感 染者的口腔中也可能存在細菌,一起吃飯抡四、接吻柜蜈、使用不潔餐具仗谆、母嬰傳播、唾液傳 播等都有可能傳染幽門螺旋桿菌淑履。特別是大人將食物嚼碎了喂小孩隶垮,容易將幽門螺桿 菌傳染給小孩。
第四秘噪,如何預防幽門螺桿菌狸吞。 理論上,疫苗的預防效果最好指煎,如乙肝疫苗蹋偏,能有效預防乙肝。但是至壤,目前幽門螺桿 菌疫苗還在實驗階段威始,沒有在臨床上使用〕缟可通過以下措施降低幽門螺桿菌感染率字逗。 1.少去不衛(wèi)生的地方用餐,特別是路邊攤宅广,那里的餐具可能消毒不合格葫掉。 2.進餐時使用公筷,不將食物嚼碎了喂小孩跟狱,餐具要定時消毒俭厚,高溫可以殺滅幽門螺 桿菌,用沸水煮沸10到15分鐘即可驶臊。 3. 個人的生活用品一定要分開使用挪挤,不要共用牙刷,碗筷等等关翎。 3.少吃辛辣刺激的食物扛门,少吃鹽,飲食清淡纵寝,多吃新鮮蔬菜水果论寨。 4.多鍛煉身體,提高自身免疫力爽茴。
第五葬凳,怎么檢測幽門螺桿菌。 懷疑幽門螺桿菌感染了室奏,如何檢測呢火焰。首選14C或者13C呼氣試驗当娱,無創(chuàng)淘太,出結果快 梧税。胃鏡下可行快速尿素酶檢測帽蝶,還可以觀察有無胃炎,胃潰瘍江场,胃癌等情況纺酸。還可以 檢測糞便和血液窖逗,目前在臨床上應用的較少址否。
第六,如何治療碎紊? 如果感染了幽門螺桿菌佑附,均推薦接受治療。目前推薦的是四聯(lián)療法仗考,同時口服四種藥 物音同,吃藥10-14天,根治率可達90%左右秃嗜。澳洲這邊是三聯(lián)療法权均,抑酸,消炎藥阿莫西林锅锨,克拉維酸叽赊。吃 一周。
?第 七必搞, 治療后什么時候復查必指。 建議吃完藥以后,至少間隔一個月之后復查恕洲,復查也是做吹氣試驗塔橡,如果是陰性,說 明恭喜你霜第,你已經(jīng)治好了葛家。 歡迎留言咨詢,我將第一時間回復泌类,更多醫(yī)學科普癞谒,請關注我。
備注: NEXIUM :
What NEXIUM Hp7 is used for NEXIUM Hp7 is a combination pack, which contains three different medicines. When taken together in the right doses, they will kill the bacteria in your stomach called Helicobacter pylori and let your peptic ulcer heal. Depending on the position of the ulcer it is called a gastric or duodenal ulcer. A gastric ulcer occurs in the stomach. A duodenal ulcer occurs in the duodenum which is the tube leading out from the stomach. Most people who have a peptic ulcer also have a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori in their stomach. If the bacteria are killed it is unlikely that your ulcer will come back. NEXIUM is the brand name of esomeprazole (E), and it is given with amoxicillin (A), brand name Amoxil and clarithromycin (C), brand name Klacid. Amoxil and Klacid are both types of antibiotic. How NEXIUM Hp7 works NEXIUM is a type of medicine called a proton-pump inhibitor. NEXIUM works by decreasing the amount of acid made by the stomach, to give relief of symptoms and allow healing to take place. This does not stop food being digested in the normal way. Amoxicillin and clarithromycin are both antibiotics that help kill Helicobacter pylori. NEXIUM also helps kill the bacteria. When all three are taken together they are more effective than taken one or two at a time. It is possible that the antibiotics may not always kill Helicobacter pylori. Ask your doctor if you have any questions about why this medicine has been prescribed for you. Your doctor may prescribe this medicine for another use. There is no evidence that NEXIUM Hp7 is addictive. This medicine is available only with a doctor's prescription.
是不是發(fā)現(xiàn)了幽門螺桿菌末誓,就一定要治療呢 扯俱?
https://wap.china.com/act/toutiao/13001260/20180 113/31953315.html