Studio Odile Decq
The way we practice architecture will be totally different in the future—not just because tools and contexts change, but because the young people studying today are absolutely different from my generation.
First, there are the number of?women entering the profession.?There are now more female students?in architecture schools than?men. This will alter the profession?because women don’t manage?their time, or relate to the client?and architecture, in the same way?as men. At the moment, there are?not many women running offices,?but in the next 25 years, they will?be there.
Another factor is that today’s?young people don’t want to be?salaried employees. They want?their own companies. They want?to learn by doing, to be hands-on?in making things. They are highly?adaptable and think in terms of?individuals and small groups’?sharing a platform. Big firms have?to be very structured, like a machine,?and we know that big?machines are not efficient anymore.?A two-person start-up can?invent a new way of doing things.?It has to happen in architecture.?
In the school I founded,?Conf luence, I push the students?to be entrepreneurial. That?doesn’t mean they will necessarily?build buildings. When you?are educated in architecture, you?are able to face very complex?questions and work at many?scales. It’s a unique way of thinking.?We could apply it to many?problems in commerce and society.?Some companies are already?involving writers, anthropologists,?and philosophers to help?them to think differently and?evolve their business. Why not?architects?
Odile Decq(18 July 1955) is an award-winning French architect and academic. She is the director of the Paris firm, Studio Odile Decq, previously known as Odile Decq Beno?t Cornette Architectes Urbanistes or ODBC Architectes.
繼2006年Jean Nouvel, 2008年Zaha Hadid 及2011年 édouard Fran?ois之后, 法國設計師Odile Decq女士獲得大家的認可垛吗,榮幸的被評為2013巴黎家居裝飾博覽會年度設計師..作為OdileDECQBeno?tCORNETTE工作室的領導者,她表現(xiàn)出強烈的打破常規(guī)的愿望烁登,對指令怯屉,用途,材質饵沧,主體锨络,技巧以及風格都抱著懷疑的態(tài)度。她對于世界有易于常規(guī)的視角狼牺,即柔卻又硬朗羡儿,全面的演繹了生機勃勃的活力。她于1978年從維萊特畢業(yè)后便立即創(chuàng)辦了自己的建筑事務所Odile DECQ Benoit CORNETTE掠归,同時攻讀巴黎政治大學并在1979年獲得城市規(guī)劃碩士學歷。
在80年代中期與伯努瓦?科爾內特聯(lián)手兄旬,并很快獲得國際認可。1990年她接到第一個重要設計委托-法國雷恩的“Banque Populaire de l’Ouest”。此后無數(shù)獎項出版合作伴隨著這座建筑的誕生紛至沓來音诈,這標志著這位朋克叛逆的設計師正成為建筑行業(yè)的新希望,老舊傳統(tǒng)被完全顛覆喇聊。通過詢問委托誓篱,使用锦募,事件,主體,技術和品位一系列概念氛驮,Odile Decq Beno?t Cornette (ODBC)事務所的建筑作品體現(xiàn)了似是而非的詭辯視角,溫和而尖銳。事務所的創(chuàng)新佳作1996年榮獲威尼斯建筑雙年展最高獎“金獅獎”。在1998年伯努瓦?科爾內特去世后柜去,成為ODBC唯一負責人,歐蒂娜?戴克一直忠于她的激進態(tài)度股耽,不斷進行著多樣和激進的研究。
近年來她依次于2010年完成了MACRO 項目(羅馬當代藝術博物館)诬乞,2011年巴黎卡尼爾歌劇院飯店辈双,和2012年位于法國布列塔尼地區(qū)雷恩市的FRAC(當代藝術博物館)項目换衬。(摘選自www.id-china.com.cn)