free will, self-determination=stable self.
the unconscious is the ground of all being.
the unconscious, which governs all factors of human existence, is structured like a language.
for Lacan, there are no signifieds; there is nothing the signifers ultimately refer to.
objet petit a
in separating us from preverbal world of idealized union with our mother, the Symbolic order changed our mother into other (someone separate from us).
loss of union with our mother and environment or later in our youth, the fantasy we had to which we were unaware.
it seems that the acquisition of language is our loss of object of desire for which we have to regain. i need words to represent my concepts of these things.?
Marks the split into conscious and unconscious mind.?
the operation of the unconscious resemble two very common processes of language.?
from the desire of mother to name-of-the-father.?
what we desire is what we are taught to desire.?
symbolic order=culture=ideology
the imaginary order is also a fertile source of creativity without which we probably wouldn't recognize ourselves as fully human.
trauma of the Real