看《權(quán)力的游戲》學英語 S1-1-12
第一季 01凜冬將至 Winter Is Coming
上期回顧: [Winterhell]
深夜硕盹,一封密信送到臨冬城的主人Ned手里茵宪,信上說弄屡,首相Arryn是被the Lannisters謀殺的……而Daenerys此時正在自己令人作嘔的婚禮上接受各方送來的禮物扬霜,其中就包括三顆龍蛋化石……
Ned:I`m a north man. I belong here with you, not down south in that rats` nest they call a Capital.
Cat:I won`t let him take you.
Ned:The king takes what he wants. That`s why he`s king.
Cat:I`ll say, “Listen, fat man. You are not taking my husband anywhere. He belongs to me now.”
Ned:How did he get so fat?
Cat:He only stops eating when it`s time for a drink.
(Outdoor)It`s Maester Luwin, my lord.
Ned:Send him in.
Luwin :Pardon, my lord, my lady. A rider in the night. From your sister.
Luwin :This was sent from the Eyrie.
Cat:What`s she doing at the Eyrie? She hasn`t been back there since her wedding.
Ned:What news?
Cat:She`s fled the Capital. She says Jon Arryn was murdered. By the Lannisters. She says the king is in danger.
Ned:She`s fresh widowed, Cat. She doesn`t know what she`s saying.
Cat:Lysa`s head would be on a spike right now if the wrong people had found that letter. Do you think she would risk her life, her son`s life if she wasn`t certain her husband was murdered?
Luwin :If this news is true and the Lannisters conspire against the Throne, who but you can protect the king?
Cat:They murdered the last hand. Now you want Ned to take the job?
Luwin :The king rode for a month to ask for Lord Stark`s help. He`s the only one he trusts. You swore the king an oath, my lord.
Cat:He`s spend half his life fighting Robert`s wars. He owes him nothing. Your father and brother rode south once on a king`s demand.
Luwin :A different time. A different king.
Robert 和 Ned 要一起外出狩獵曙强,Bran 帶著他的冰原狼目送父親出門后允粤,再次攀上臨冬城的城墻朗和,但他這次不小心發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個驚天大秘密犯眠,招來殺身之禍的同時嚷硫,也讓觀眾明白了首相Arryn真正的死因检访、國王身邊真正的危險又是什么!至此仔掸,第一集結(jié)束脆贵,權(quán)力游戲的序幕正式拉開,大部分重要角色都已出場起暮,而精彩的故事才剛剛開始卖氨!
Bran到底看到了什么,各位自己去發(fā)現(xiàn)吧负懦!下面是出行前Robert 和 Ned 的一段對話:
Robert: Are you as good with a spear as you used to be?
Ned: No, but I`m still better than you.
Robert:Ha aaaaa, I know what I`m putting you through, thank you for saying yes. I only ask you because I need you. You`re a loyal friend. You hear me? A loyal friend. The last one I`ve got.
Ned: I hope I`ll serve you well.
Robert:You will. And I`ll make sure you don`t look so fucking grim all the time. Come boys, let`s go kill some boar!
put through(I know what I`m putting you through,)
1筒捺、put sb/sth through為(某人)接通電話(to connect someone to someone else on the telephone)
例句:One moment please , I`m just trying to put you through.
2系吭、put sb through school/college/university供某人上學/上大學(to pay for someone to study at school or college)
例句:Andrew`s parents insisted on putting him through medical school.
3颗品、put sb through sth使(某人)做(不愉快或困難的事)(to make someone do something unpleasant or difficult)
例句:We put all new recruits through a rigorous week-long training programme.
put sb through it
例句:They really put me through it at that job interview.
4则吟、put sth through為(使計劃或建議獲得通過而)完成必要的準備工作(to do what is necessary in order to get a plan or suggestion accepted or approved)
例句:Andrew`s parents insisted on putting him through medical school.
[To be continued]